Flat Line

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Jessica's Father's POV:

I walked into the hospital looking for the 2nd floor ICU. I knew thats where Jess was. As I asked the nurse at the station she wrinkled her nose in disgust. She could smell the liqour on my breath.

Local and worldwide news had to make such a big deal about me not seeing my daughter. Oh I'll go see her. This is all Jess wanted was the attention. She will get what she deserves and I can finally live my life in peace. Jessica took my wife away. I was there for her every second I could but Jessica was always causing trouble. Any second I had to sit down she would mess it up. She would go to feed her mother and her mother would get sick. For all I know Jessica gave my wife the cancer from stress. Jessica should have never been born.

"Go to the elevator's on the left of my nurses station, go up to the 2nd floor, make a right and there should be another nurses station. She will tell you what room your daughter is in" said the nurse trying to keep the look of disgust off her face but failing. I walked past her without thanking her and did as she said.

Timeskip out of the elevator

Before walking up to desk I popped a mint into my mouth to hide the stench of the alcohol.

"Excuse me what room number is Jessica Salle in?" I asked a little to loudly. She smiled and looked it up. "She is in room 35, just know you have to be quiet in this part of the hospital, alot of people are very sick and are trying to recover". I thanked her and walked to her room shutting the door behind me.

Jessica was layed down on her hospital bed with tubes running from her arms and nose. Some were giving her fluid, some were giving her oxygen, and some were monitoring her heartrate. Everything seemed fine for the moment.

I sat down in the chair next to her bed. This is my chance to never see her again. To finally get rid of this pest. She should have never been born.

I walked to the door and put a chair in front of it. Then walked back to her bed and tightly put my hands around her neck. Though she didn't move she heart monitor and oxygen monitors noticed the difference and beeped loudly notifying the nurses station. I didn't care though through my drunken rage. I just tightened my grip on her neck.

On the outside of her door people were yelling and beating on it. I couldn't stop though. Her heartrate raced trying to save itself. Her eyes flew open and she coughed and gagged being choked.

The door slammed open and several people ran in as her heart stopped and her monitor showed no response.  I was pushed out of the room by 7 men and handed over to the police. I smiled as I was finally free.

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