Langham Hotel

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A/N This is finally BTS's POV. I have to start somewhere so I'm starting the day before the events. I will try to make this one a long chapter. 

Namjoon's POV:

After a long 13 hr flight we were all tired. We plan on meeting Jessica tomorrow. Though I read her letter so many times, I just wonder how many hard times she had to go through before she was pushed to this point. Just thinking about it pushed me to tears. It really hurts all of us. I just hope we can help her. 

We checked into the Langham hotel. It was a really nice place, but I think we all just wanted a place to sleep for the night.  My phone was going off the hook. Most likely BigHit Entertainment. They didn't think it would be a good idea to go so suddenly, but something is drawing us all here. We don't exactly know what but only the future will tell. 

I lay on the bed and pull Jin with me and smile. "can we cuddle?" I blush as I ask. 

Jin POV: 

Honestly the hotel was beautiful but I just couldn't concentrate on its beauty. The only thing on my mind was Jessica and sleep. It seems like such a long time since I have slept. I love seeing the world, but being in a plane just wears a person out. 

I can tell that Namjoon is in deep thought. Poor guy. He paces in front of our bed thinking. 

I walk up to him and went to give him a hug only to be pulled into bed next to him. He says rather shyly "can we cuddle?". I couldn't resist his dimples and his cute blush. 

I boop his nose and laugh. "oh course silly. Don't think to much Joonie. She will be ok. We are all worried. We will see her tomorrow and you will see" I say and cuddle into his side. "Night Joonie" I said lovingly. 

Yoongi POV: 

I hate to admit it but I am actually worried about the girl as well as the others. I try to put up a front to try and comfort the other members, but it seems even I am slipping. What kind of life has she had to endure to  be where she is now. In a coma. Surely that is not what she wanted in her life. She had to have plans.  

I lay besides my Hobi. He always makes me feel a little better when things bother me. I swear no matter how bad the situation is, he is always my ray of sunlight that keeps even the darkest thoughts away. 

"Goodnight my sunshine" I say softly before falling asleep close to him. 

Hoseok POV:

I stroked Yoongi's hair gently as he slept. With only 4 beds in the room, it left us to sleep with someone except for one person. I actually didn't mind it though. My little genius has had a lot on his mind lately.  

I gently kiss the top of his forehead and close my eyes drifting into sleep. 

Taehyung POV:

I sat in front of the computer playing Overwatch. I was well into the game that I didn't notice Jungkook behind me. I smiled as I felt him kiss my collarbone. "I'm gonna go to bed Tae Tae wanna join?" he said with a mischievous smile. Though we are worried about Jessica he always can make me smile. I know he's worried too. "Just give me a minute and I'll join you okay Kookie?" I said with a smile. I saw as Jungkook made his way into our bedroom. I couldn't resist it and just shut my computer off, making my way to him. 

Kookie was laying on the bed already by the time I made it in. He was covered up but I could tell he didn't have his shirt on. He tried to pretend he was asleep but I could see his mouth curl into a small smile. 

With everything that's been going on we all needed a little break. 

I looked up Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake and started a little strip tease. 

I let my black jacket slide of my shoulders a little trying to go with the beat of the song. "Don't play like your asleep Kookie, I can see you smiling there" I say trying to sound husky and sexy. At this he opens his eyes and watches me with his bunny smile. "You don't realize how adorable you are" I say smiling.

I let the jacket slide down to the floor and start on taking my shirt off. When I got the shirt off i threw it at Jungkook and he laughed as he caught it. At this point I unbuttoned my pants. "Aye Aye Aye" Kookie yelled as I pushed my pants off revealing that I had pants underneath my pants. I laughed at his reaction and climbed into bed with him cuddling close. 

"my bunny" I say as I kiss his collarbone back payback for earlier. At this his cheeks turn a bright crimson color and I laughed. 

Jungkook POV:

As I was in mine and Tae's room I started getting lonely. It's not that I can't be alone, I just missed Taehyung. 

I slipped out of the room as quietly as possible and watched Tae as he played Overwatch. He was so good at playing that game. I couldn't help it. I wanted to snuggle with him so I kissed his collarbone playfully and smiling knowing that always works. "I'm gonna go to bed Tae Tae wanna join?" I ask playfully. "Just give me a minute and I'll join you okay Kookie?" Just the sound of him calling me kookie gave me excitement as I smiled and walked back into the bedroom. I knew he wouldn't be long, he never is I thought as I laughed. I took off my shirt and threw it into the hamper before covering up under the blanket. 

I heard him open up our door and I quickly closed my eyes pretending I was asleep. I felt his eyes on me and I couldn't help smiling a little bit. He knew I was awake. After a while the room went silent, but I knew he was there. That is when I heard the song Sexy Back being played. 

"Don't play like your asleep Kookie, I can see you smiling there" I heard him say in his deep husky tone. I couldn't help it. I opened my eyes and couldn't not smile. Tae was in front of me sliding his jacket to the floor. His movements matching perfectly with the beat of the song. The sight in front of me was enough to turn any straight man gay. 

"You don't realize how adorable you are" he says with a smile. This only made me smile more. He can really be a sweetheart sometimes. 

As I watched him I got lost in my own thoughts thinking about him. He took his shirt off and threw it at me bringing me back to Earth. I caught it and laughed at him. That is when he started unbuttoning his pants. I blushed hard watching him and started yelling at him. "Aye Aye Aye" I yelled as he goes to push his pants down only to reveal another pair of pants. I couldn't believe it. I was a blushing mess. 

I tried to cover up my face to hide my blush from him but he climbed into bed and took my hands off my face. After smiling at my blushing face he cuddles up close to me. At this he kissed my collarbone like I did to him earlier making me take in quick breath. He laughs at my reddened cheeks and smiles. "My bunny" he says softly before closing his eyes. 

Jimin POV: 

After dropping my things at the hotel, I decided to go for a walk. There has been so much in my mind and honestly a walk seemed like the best thing to do. I really didn't pay attention to where I was walking to, I just kept going until I found an old bridge. It was such a calming sight. 

The water below made the air around me slightly more cold but it was truly an amazing feeling. I felt free. 

I closed my eyes and listen to the sound of the water flowing underneath me. 

It really hurts me to hear about when something like this happens to a fan. Nobody should be pushed so far to try to kill themself. 

A/N: sorry the chapter wasn't the greatest.  

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