Caught In A Lie

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A/N ok so this is going to be when they go to the hospital, sorry for the terrible time skips I keep adding. I just get writers block a lot. Comment if you like the book, give me suggestions. 

Time skip: BTS wake up get dressed and head to the hospital, not knowing what they are going to find. 

Namjoon POV:

Though we are not from here, we knew where to find the hospital.  The building itself was very big, but not as big as some of the buildings I've seen before. 

As we pushed through the door's it seemed that all eyes were on us. Though few people were in the lobby all of them kept their eyes on us. We walked up to the nurses desk where a blonde smiling nurse waited. 

"How can I help you guys?" she asked very sweetly. Something about today just has me anxious. Maybe I slept wrong, I just can't put my finger on it. Lost in my own thought I forgot the women asked me a question. "I'm sorry, but could you tell us what room Jessica Salle is in?" 

The nurse looked it up and quickly had an answer. "she is in room 35 on the 2nd floor ICU, what you need to do is go to those elevator's that are to the left of my nurses station, when you get out of the elevator, turn right and keep walking straight. There should be another nurses station is you can't find her. Her room is one of the last ones in the ICU" said the nurse happily. "Thank you so much for this. "Oh and also sir, you might have to wait to see her. We only allow one visitor at a time." she said. "That's fine, we can go one at a time. It won't be a problem." I said already making my way towards the elevator. "Sir, you don't understand" she got up and was walking with us to the elevator. "She is already being visited by her father"she said softly hoping not to upset us. This information had me immediately stop in my tracks. 

As I stood there straight as a board I thought about her letter. My heart dropped when I remember her words of being hit by her father. 

I ran as fast as I could to the stairs not even bothering with the elevators. I could hear the nurse behind me and the members. They didn't know what was going on, but I knew something was not good. I had to stop whatever was going to happen. Something is wrong and I just know it. I have to save her. 

As I ran up the stairs, I found the door to the second floor, luckily it opened up right next to the elevators. As I half ran half walked down the hall I noticed a red light above a door at the end of the hall. That has to be her door. 

I could hear the members behind me. Seems the nurse gave up on trying to catch us. 

The nurses on the second floor nurses station started rushing to her door but it seemed the door wouldn't budge. The members and I couldn't take it and we all used our strength to open the door, only to find out it was too late it seemed. 

In the room was a burly looking man hovered over a small framed pale girl. Tubes ran all over her. The monitor above her showed she had no heartbeat. I couldn't keep in my rage as I harshly grabbed the man and handed him over to the police officer that had came up to the second floor. They probably called the police originally for the 7 of us. The burly guy just simply laughed like he was in pure joy of what cruel actions he had just performed. 

I walked back into her room only to be told we couldn't be in there while they are trying to bring her back. The thought of bringing her back made my heart flutter. So there's a chance I thought. My mind races. Now it's time to wait. 

Jimin POV: 

I didn't understand what was going on. At one moment a women was talking to Namjoon, and the next he was running. Something was wrong I could feel it, but I had no idea what. "Namjoon wait up what is wrong." I yelled after him chasing him up the stairs of the hospital, but got no response from him whatsoever. You could visually see the anxiety rolling off of him as he ran faster. 

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