School Trip

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"Hey Penis, did you get Iron man to sign your field trip letter?" Flash shouted across the bus as they began to drive down the road, away from their school. Peter rolled his eyes. Of course MJ had to have a dentist appointment on the day of the trip.
"Hey Penis, stop ignoring me and answer me! We all know you're a liar!" Flash shouted again, and Peter rolled his eyes and put his head phones on. He felt paper constantly being thrown at his head by Flash. Someone sat down next to Peter, and Peter took off hislooked up, realising it was Ned.
" Hey man, sorry I'm late" he said, and Peter rolled his eyes jokingly. Ned pushed him softly and Peter began to talk as the bus began to move.
"I promised Clint that I'd get him a penguin yknow" said Peter quietly. Ned laughed and started talking about getting his sister stuff from the gift shop, but Peter cut Ned out when his Spideu senses went off. There wasn't any danger. Wait, what?
"Everybody get to the back of the bus!" Peter shouted, and everybody laughed at him.
"Mr Parker please sit down" Mr Harrison said from the front of the bus. Peter rolled his eyes and carried on shouting.
"There's a truck coming in front of us!" he shouted, but no one listened.Peter realised how stupid doing this was. A truck was coming at them at 80 miles an hour. But he had to. Peter saw the truck coming and ran over to the front of the bus, moving the bus driver and throwing him onto a seat in the back. Peter er used his body to cover Mr Harrison, and the only thing he could hear was his classmates screams, and the cracking of cement as the side of the bridge fell.

The truck hit the bus, and everyone flew backwards. Suddenly, the bus tilted sideways and began falling. Everyone screamed, but realised that bus had stopped before it touched the water. There was Puny Parker, holding what was left of the bridge, and the bus.
"Get out quick!" He shouted, and students began to help each other out of the bus and onto what was left of the road, gaping at Peter as they evacuated. Everyone climbed out, and Peter dropped the bus into the lake, knowing that he wouldn't be be to save it. He pulled himself up, and as everyone cheered, he passed out.

Tony was sitting in the lab when he got the call. He raced up and grabbed Clint and Bucky as he ran, knowing that they would be worried for his safety. They didn't question it, and just ran along with him.  When they got to the car, Clint finally asked what was happening.
"I got a call from the Queens memorial hospital. Peters been taken in with serious injuries after a bus accident because he threw himself in front of a teacher who didn't want to move, and then he grabbed a bus full of kids that was falling off of a bridge"Tony said as he set Friday up to take them to the hospital without breaking too many laws.
"That stupid self sacrificing punk" Bucky muttered, but Clint and Tony knew it was only because he was worried. When they finally got to the hospital, they ran inside and asked to see Peter. When they got to his room, he was awake, but heavily drugged, as they had to rese one of his shoulders from the weight of the bus. He looked up when they walked in and smiled.
"Hi Mister metal arm! Hi Mr Stark! Hi Mr arrow man!" he said as he waved a droopy hand. Bucky stiffled a laugh and Tony and Clint didn't even try to.
"Do you want to know a secret?" Peter said quietly, and they all nodded.
"I'm spiderman" he said with a serious face and everyone burst out laughing.  Peter carried on babbling for an hour, until he finally fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw the whole team laying around him, and he realised, this is what family is

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