Chapter 4 Unrequited Love

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Chapter 4// Unrequited Love | Word Count: 1476 | I do not own the rights to any of the characters/artworks. | Warnings: Angst.

On Monday morning, class 1-A wasn't as happy or chirpy as they normally are. There were some exceptions though. Kaminari seemed to be enjoying his and Kirishima's pre-honeymoon phase due to the promise rings. On the opposing side, Kirishima was extremely happy about their promise rings, but he was still extremely angry and upset with Bakugou. Mina and Sero were proudly showing off their newfound relationship by walking hand-in-hand in the halls. Tsu and Ochako seemed to have a pleasant weekend since they were happily chatting together in the hall. Everyone else seemed to be in their own depressive state, but no one's could compare to Bakugou's.

A dark black aura seemed to follow the blonde wherever he went. Sure, he's always been angry and hostile to his peers, but this is an all new level of teenage angst. He doesn't even know how he mustered up the courage to get out of bed this morning.

As soon as Kirishima locked eyes with the blonde, he excused himself from his and Kami's conversation. He balled up his fists and made his way towards Bakugou. He didn't care that the blonde seemed to be fighting his own demons right now. He deserved an explanation.

He walked past the blonde only to grab the back of his shirt and dragged him to the nearest bathroom despite the angry cursing and fighting from Bakugou. He practically threw Bakugou down onto the floor once the door was shut behind them.

Bakugou landed with a loud thud, and he looked up at Kirishima with his eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. "The fuck do you-" He was cut off.

"No, you don't get to speak. You're going to listen to me. Are we friends?" Kirishima asked as he towered over the blonde since he was still on the ground.

Bakugou was confused. Where was this coming from? He had enough problems with Deku. He didn't need this right now, but he felt that it was best not to test Kirishima right now. Sure, Bakugou is hot-headed, but if one manages to make Kirishima angry, they should run for their life.

"Why would you ask such a dumb question like that? If we weren't friends, I'd be kicking your ass right now." Bakugou said as he finally got off of the ground. He swept the dirt and dust off of his uniform pants.

"Friends tell each other things, like intimate things. I tell you about every dark detail of my life no matter how embarrassing because I trust you." Kirishima paused and took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself down before he continued. "So, how come you don't trust me?" He finally asked.

Bakugou tried to rack his brain to think about what Kirishima was talking about. He didn't know where this was coming from. "I do trust you, dipshit. What are you going on about?" Bakugou asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a thing for Midoriya?" Kirishima asked bluntly. "It's not fair that I tell you personal details about my life, but you don't care enough to tell me about your personal details."

Bakugou tensed up. He gritted his teeth together. This is exactly what he didn't want to happen. He did not want people confronting him about his own shitty feelings that shouldn't exist. He shouldn't like Deku. All he has ever done was treat him like shit. He shouldn't have feelings for his rival.

"I don't have feelings for that shitty nerd." He said gruffly as he eyed Kirishima up and down. If the redhead said another word about this, Bakugou was ready to fight him.

"Bakugou, we all saw what happened at the party. Why are you even trying to lie to me right now? Forget it. I know where we stand now." Kirishima said coldly before leaving the bathroom, leaving the blonde by himself.

Bakugou stood there for a good while before the bell rung. Within the span of a week, he has made his long-term crush cry, and he just lost his only friend. His brain couldn't even comprehend what was going on before his cheeks suddenly felt wet with hot tears. He didn't even realize he was crying until he reached up and wiped his face. In those moments of self-reflection, Bakugou realized that he is his own biggest enemy. Finally, Bakugou began to walk to his homeroom.

Upon arrival, he staggered off to his seat and clumsily sat down. His classmates were quickly worried by this. This was the first time they've ever seen him act like this. Even Aizawa was quick to say something. "Bakugou, do you need to go to the nurses station?"

The whole class waited with anticipation, but no response came. He just sat there, slumped over his desk so no one could see his face. No one could see that tears were streaming down his cheeks, and his face was extremely red and burning hot.

Aizawa was unsure of how to handle this. They don't give teachers a handbook on how to handle teenagers. They just throw teachers to the wolves and hope they figure it out. "Bakugou, excuse yourself to the nurses station if you can, or at least acknowledge that you can hear me." Aizawa said.

Finally, the blonde stood up and walked out of the classroom with his head held down low. With Bakugou's extremely unusual behavior, no one even realized that Midoriya hadn't even showed up for class. Well, no one except Todoroki. Of course he noticed that the greenette was absent.

After the commotion had calmed down, Aizawa began teaching. Todoroki took this as an opportunity to pull out his phone and begin texting Midoriya.

Todoroki: Are you alright? Why are you not in class?

Midoriya: I think I caught the flu from the party. Nothing to worry about. I just need some rest :)

Todoroki read the response over and over with furrowed eyebrows. There is no way that the events with Bakugou and Midoriya's absence isn't related. He was still brutally unaware about the two's unrequited love for each other.

The half n' half male decided he was going to ditch school after first period. This was extremely unlike Todoroki, but he'd do anything to get to the bottom of what's going on with Midoriya.

After what felt like forever, the bell rang, and the students began packing their bags and exiting the classroom. Todoroki began his journey to Midoriya's place.

In the nurses station, Bakugou was curled into a ball on a stretcher. The nurse quickly realized this was nothing her quirk could fix. Bakugou wasn't physically hurt or sick, but he was sure love sick. So, the nurse sat in the corner of the room at her desk, and she was reading a book. This was a safe space for Bakugou to cry it out if he so choosed.

After the bell rang, Aizawa and All Might walked into the nurses station to check on the blonde. Aizawa wasn't sure of what was going on with him, so he called All Might in to check on him. All Might had a deeper relationship and understanding with Bakugou.

"What's got you down, Young Bakugou?" All Might asked while sitting next to the stretcher.

"He's a love-sick puppy. That's what has him down." The nurse answered for the blonde because she knew that he wasn't going to make an effort to talk. He hasn't said or done anything since he's collapsed on that stretcher.

Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Were they talking about the same Bakugou here? The angry, sadistic, unfriendly, uncaring Bakugou was in love? Aizawa was understandably skeptical.

"And how do you know this?" He asked the nurse with his hands placed ever so sassily on his hips.

"I know you could never understand, but I've actually experienced this once before. My first love rejected my confession towards him in my third year of highschool. I was love-sick for weeks. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. The only thing that I could do was think about him." The nurse explained while she dreamily looked off into the distance. It seemed as a rush of nostalgia washed over her.

"And how did you fix this love sickness?" All Might asked without skipping a beat. He knew the blonde was capable of loving someone. He didn't have a doubt in his mind, but the only thing All Might wasn't sure of was who Bakugou was love sick over.

"Hmm, in my case, the only remedy that worked for me was time and emotional support from my friends, but another thing that would work would be the reciprocation of feelings." The nurse thought out loud.

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