Chapter 13 Sympathy Card

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Chapter 13// Sympathy Card | Word Count 1896 | I do not own the rights to any of the characters or artworks | Warnings: None.

It's a good thing that Japan has universal healthcare because Izuku was collecting hospital bills left and right. However, this time in the hospital he was accompanied at all times by Bakugou and Aizawa. There would be no fuck ups like there were last time. 

When Izuku arrived to the hospital, he was running a 104.6 degree fever. Since he was neglecting medical attention while being a pretend villain, infection ate his body up. Infection paired with the exhaustion was basically double homicide to the young hero's body. 

His eyes fluttered open slowly, and he immediately regretted it. His head began throbbing in pain as well as his hand. He also began to feel nauseated. 

"Good morning, Midoriya." Aizawa said, not looking up from his newspaper. The newspaper had a riveting story about the villain that was found with his throat slit in UA. "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone just ran me over." He shifted his gaze to the figure who sat beside him. Katsuki was staring at him, still in disbelief about what took place a day prior. His crush looked foreign while laying in that hospital bed. His now black hair laid messily on his forehead, and he had piercings in both of his ears. Who was this guy? 

"Kacchan..." He voice was weak and shrill. 

"No call. No text. No secret encrypted message-" Bakugou was immediately cut off by the sensei sitting in the corner of the room. 

"Bakugou, I already told you to drop it." The blonde rolled his eyes and huffed in response as he sat back in his chair. 

"You have to understand. I knew that if I told you then you'd try to come and find me." Izuku tried to reason with the blonde. He knew that what he did was unfair to Bakugou, but it is what had to be done. 

Silence filled the room. Only the sounds of Deku's heart monitor could be heard. The tension was so thick that someone could cut it with a knife. 

"Wouldn't you do the same? If I were out there, you wouldn't try to come find me?" Bakugou finally broke the silence. "I spent countless amounts of hours fucking looking for you. Can your tiny brain comprehend what I fucking went through?" 

"What about what I went through?" Tears threatened to spill out of Izuku's eyes. His face was flushed with dark red hues. The heart monitor began to spike as his anxiety rose. 

"Both of you stop it. You each went through your own shit. That's life. You're both in no position to argue with the other. You two should be thankful that you're both safe and alive right now." Aizawa said, tilting his paper down so he could eye the two boys. 

Once again, awkward tense silence filled the room before Bakugou rose from his seat. "I'm going to see what they're serving in the cafeteria." He said while walking out of the door, leaving Aizawa and Izuku alone together. 

"He was very worried about you, Midoriya. I know his personality makes it hard, but try to take it easy on him." Aizawa tried consolidating the other. 

Midoriya laid silently in the bed. He didn't have enough energy to even respond to his sensei. He felt immensely guilty for everything that took place. He felt terrible for his classmates and everyone he worried. Maybe this life wasn't cut out for him. 

Shortly after, Bakugou returned to the room with a Styrofoam plate from the cafeteria, but he was also bearing a stuffed bear and a card. "Here, nerd." He shoved the stuffed bear and card at the other. Midoriya slowly took the bear and card from him. 

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