Chapter 5 Redemption

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Chapter 5// Redemption | Word count: 1642 | I do not own the rights to any of the characters or artworks. | Warnings: Mention of suicide, extreme angst. 

If you are sensitive to the mention of suicide and implied suicidal thoughts, you should skip on this chapter. Continue at your own risk.

Todoroki has always been thoughtful in his own ways. Sure, he doesn't pick up on social cues very well, but sometimes he just does a random act of kindness that is extremely heart warming.  

On his way to check on Midoriya, he googled what sick people normally eat. He didn't ever get sick as a child, so he didn't really know what the standard protocol was. Once he was familiar with all the different comfort items that sick people enjoy, he made a quick stop at their local supermarket. Then, he continued towards Midoriya's place. 

Midoriya lived alone in a humble two bedroom apartment. Since they were seniors now, the young heroes could work freelance. Some were more in demand than others, but the greenette had made quite the name for himself. Naturally, he was heavily sought out by senior year. He was one of the top paid heroes in their class. However, this didn't change Midoriya. He didn't live in a huge house, and he didn't spend excessively on material items. Midoriya was known in the news to donate lots of money to charities for young quirkless kids. He also donated to many foundations that helped prevent bullying and counsel kids who were being bullied. The only thing he seemed to actually buy for himself was All Might memorabilia, which he kept in the spare bedroom in his apartment.  

The half n' half male knocked on the door to Midoriya's apartment before he remembered that he had his own key to the place. Midoriya gave him a key quite a while ago just in case if he ever overslept for school, so Todoroki could come wake him up. 

Todoroki then let himself in before looking around the apartment. Normally, Midoriya liked to keep it semi-tidy. He wasn't a neat freak by any means, but he wasn't one to let trash or dishes pile up. He must be really sick because the apartment was very messy. Dishes were piled in the sink. His garbage can was overflowing. There were random dirty clothes scattered about on the floor. 

Once Midoriya heard the door open and shut, he went to investigate. He didn't plan on answering the door whenever he heard the knock, but now whoever it was- was in his home. He walked into the living room, and he was startled when he saw Todoroki. 

Crap. No one is suppose to see him like this. Midoriya looked pathetic. He was wearing some loose black shorts and and oversized dark green hoodie. His face was red and splotchy, and he had some noticeable eyebags. No, he wasn't sick, but he sure looked sickly. 

"Ahh- Todoroki!" He nervously laughed. "What are you doing here?" He asked while looking at the taller male. Todoroki was still wearing his school uniform, so Midoriya knew he ditched school. 

"You said you were sick, so I come bearing gifts." Todoroki answered while gesturing to the super market bags in his hand. 

Midoriya felt guilty for lying to his friend. He didn't know Todoroki would go through the trouble to help him out. "You didn't have to..." Midoriya said as he looked around the room to avoid Todoroki's gaze. He then realized how messy his apartment was. This was an even bigger reason to be embarrassed. 

"I know, but I wanted to." Todoroki said while placing the brown paper bags on the counter. He then pulled out many various cans of soup. "Google said that sick people enjoy eating soup. I didn't know what kind of soup you liked, so I got all of them." He said while pulling more soup out of the bag. 

The greenette couldn't help but slightly chuckle at his friend's ignorance. This was the first time he had been able to smile since the party. It felt nice to finally not be crying. He sighed softly, realizing that he wasn't going to be able to get rid of Todoroki, so he may as well be somewhat of a good host. 

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