Chapter 12 Daddy Dearest

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Chapter 12// Daddy Dearest | Word Count: 2459 | I do not own the rights to any of the characters or artworks. | Warnings: ANGST AND EXTREME GORE. BE ADVISED. 

(Hey guys, I know this story hast been angst driven for a while now, but don't worry because it should return to fluff soon enough. I'm honestly tired of writing so much angst, so I'm ready for a few fluffy chapters. Also, this chapter contains some intense gore, so if you're sensitive to that type of material, skip this chapter.)

Disguises became Midoriya's new best friend. 

After hearing the voices of his predecessors, he somehow found the strength within himself to get out of the hospital bed. He had to use his quirk at full potential, and he drained all of his stamina. At least he made it out though. 

He slipped into a back alleyway behind the hospital, and he quickly began stripping the bandages off of his arm, leaving them behind in the street. 

"You mean to tell me that the brown haired girl wasn't in the hospital?" A male voice echoed in the alleyway. Midoriya quickly dipped behind a garbage can while trying to hide but also eavesdrop.  

"No, and I'm sure I took enough to make her ill!" A familiar feminine voice whined. Deku furrowed his eyebrows together. That voice definitely belonged to Toga. 

"Damn it. Those annoying heroes are definitely on our tracks now. We need to leave." The male voice commanded. Deku could hear them jog away further in the distance. 

He swallowed harshly. He knew who those voices belonged to. It was his dad and Toga. It also seems they attacked Uraraka. He knew something was off about her today! His head began to spin with all the new information as well as him being so exhausted. 

Deku knew he realistically couldn't go back to his apartment. It was likely that an ambush was waiting on him. He knew he couldn't go back in the hospital because of the traitor staff. 

He ran his shaky hand through his hair as he let out a sigh. He needed to get to the bottom of this before the villains attacked another one of his classmates. 

He needed to go undercover. 

Deku bought black box hair dye that was at the first convivence store he stopped by. He also grabbed some cheap foundation while he was there. Next, he crept his way to the costume store and picked up some fake magnetic piercings. 

He got to work in a gas station bathroom by haphazardly slathering black hair dye all over his head and eyebrows. He also used the foundation to cover up his signature freckles and used the magnetic piercings on his ears and nose. He looked at himself in the mirror and shuddered. He felt guilt swirling in his stomach as he knew that the pros and classmates would be looking for him. Then, he remembered Kacchan, and his heart dropped into his stomach. 

They had just rekindled their relationship, and now, Deku was going to put everything on hold. Tears glistened over his big green eyes as he tried to blink them away. He had no choice. He couldn't let people keep getting hurt at his expense. 

Deku started out working as a basic grunt for the villains. He was their watch out and sometimes their bait. He felt terrible for committing these petty crimes, but it had to be done in order to catch the bigger evil. 


Meanwhile, Bakugou was losing his mind. He scoured the whole city restlessly every night for his beloved. He didn't eat. He didn't sleep. He barely even made an effort to talk to anyone. 

Every day it was the same story. At the beginning of class, Aizawa would tell the students that there were no further leads on the case, but they were still searching. This was a lie of course. They had one singular lead, but it was highly classified. All Might and Aizawa are the only two who know about the bloody bandages that matched Midoriya's blood type found in the back alleyway. 

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