Chapter 8 The Hand

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Chapter 8 The Hand | Word Count: 2456 | I do not own the rights to any of the characters or artworks. | Warnings: None. 

As the ambulance sped off, leaving Katsuki in the dust, his red-headed friend placed a hand on his shoulder. "He's going to be alright. You have to trust him." Kirishima said. In reality, Kirishima was facing his own amount of guilt and pain. Was cutting Izuku's hand off really the right move? How could he do this to his friend?

Todoroki stood there behind Kirishima and Bakugo. He was paralyzed with fear and shock. Did Bakugou really say that he loved Midoriya? It felt as if his whole world came crashing down on him. Fear turned into pain and pain evolved into anger.

"He wouldn't be in this situation if you could've just held your own for once." Todoroki said with seething rage. Todoroki reached out and gripped Bakugou's shirt, rearing his fist back to punch him.

Kirishima quickly looped his arm around Todoroki's, holding him back. "This isn't the time to be placing blame on anyone!" He shouted out while defending his best friend.

Katsuki clenched his jaw and closed his fists. "What's that suppose to mean?" He said in a low tone.

"Guys, stop! Can you just put your differences aside and actually think about Midoriya!" Kirishima shouted out, but this fight had been coming for a long time. The two boys ignored Kirishima.

"I don't even know why Midoriya would risk it all for you!" Todoroki screamed at the blonde. His heart was broken because he truly did know that when it came to Bakugou, he couldn't compete. He began putting two and two together. It all made sense about Bakugou's weird behavior, Midoriya's strange and sudden sickness, and the wildly intimate kiss they shared at the party.

Todoroki's arm was being held back by Kirishima. His other arm was gripping Bakugou's shirt. He only had one other option. He reared back his head and headbutted Bakugou in the face. This act of violence quickly turned into an all-out brawl between the two. Kirishima was no longer able to hold them back. Soon enough, they were punching and kicking each other.

Kirishima ran to go get help from Aizawa, and by the time they got back, Bakugou was gearing up for a blast and Todoroki's right side was ablaze. They were going to kill each other without any intervention.

Aizawa quickly erased their quirks with his ability. "Are you two insane or absolute narcissists?" Aizawa asked while shoving the two boys away from each other. "People have died today. Families have lost their loved ones, and you two are fighting for what!?" He shouted.

Neither of the two boys dared to answer. This only made Aizawa angrier.

"Well, until you can figure out how to act like decent human beings, you'll both be suspended from school. Got that? Now, go home. Do not let me catch you anywhere near school grounds." He commanded before walking away.

"Tch." Bakugou muttered before walking away from the scene. Instead of going home, Bakugou made his way to the nearest hospital to look for Deku. He'd wait for as long as he needed to. He was going to see him one way or another. 


You know when you're watching Twilight, and you think Bella is absolutely insane for the way she acts whenever Edward leaves her? Turns out, maybe she wasn't so insane because Bakugou seemed to relate more to her with each passing day. 

He'd sit in the hospital waiting room for hours with his knees tucked into his chest. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. Hell, he couldn't even go to school if he wanted to. Sometimes, the students from class 1-A would make an appearance at the hospital, but none of them were allowed to see Izuku. They weren't even releasing the details of his condition because if the villains knew that the heroes were weak right now, they'd surely strike. 

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