Chapter 14 I'm yours

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Chapter 14// I'm yours | Word Count: 1496 | I do not own rights to any of the characters or artworks. | Warnings: Implied sexual themes

1 month later

It took a lot of convincing in order for Midoriya's counselor to let him come back to UA. He had to prove that he was doing well mentally, and he really was doing a lot better. He spent most of his days hanging out with Kacchan, and when he wasn't doing that, he took up the hobby of reading. He also spent some time hanging out with Ochako, Iida, and Todoroki like old times. It felt nice to finally be somewhat normal. 

Of course, the counselor had no idea that Midoriya was still doing freelance hero work on the side, but hey, he had to pay his bills one way or another. What she didn't know, won't hurt hurt her.  

Bakugou and Midoriya were walking hand-in-hand towards UA. The green-haired male's heart felt like it was going to pump straight out of his chest. His stomach was also constricted with anxiety. He was silent the whole walk, which was definitely odd for him. 

"Are you feeling okay, nerd?" Bakugou asked as he looked over at his lover. They weren't official, yet, but they might as well be. 

"Just a bit nervous... that's all. So much has happened in the last few months, and what if they don't look at me the same because of my father?" 

"Look, they know that you can't help that your father was a villain. If anyone say some stupid shit, I'll kill them. How about that?" Katsuki asked as he leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to the other's temple. 

Midoriya smiled softly as he felt himself slightly relax. It was amazing how well their relationship was doing. It was odd to think that just over about two months ago their relationship was practically estranged. It took a game of spin the bottle and fate to finally push them together. 

"I love you, Kacchan..." Midoriya mumbled more to himself than to the blonde. His eyes widened as he realized that he said that out loud. "I-I mean- I-" 

"I love you too, shitty Deku." Bakugou was quick to cut the other off. He didn't want him to take back what he said. He loved the green-haired male with every fiber of his being. The first thing he thought of when he woke up was Deku, and he was also the last thing he thought of before he fell asleep. Over the course of two months, Bakugou has done everything for the sake of of his lover. 

"Oh, Kacchan... you softy. It's okay. I won't tell~" Midoriya teased as he nuzzled his head into the other's bicep as they continued walking. 

"I'm not a damn softy! Don't push your luck, shitty nerd!" The blonde shouted as his cheeks heated up slightly. He was more embarrassed than mad. Midoriya learned that Kacchan yelled when he felt any emotion. Just because he was yelling and cursing, didn't mean that he was angry. 

The two finally made their way into the school building. Midoriya swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. He had yearned for this day so much for a month, but right now, he wanted nothing more than to just turn around and run back home. 

Bakugou softly tugged Midoriya into their classroom. He smirked to himself knowing what was to come. Unknowingly to Midoriya, the students of 1-A eagerly awaited his return to school. They planned a whole surprise party for him to come back to. 

The blonde opened the door, and the room was still and quiet for just a moment. When Deku finally walked in, everyone jumped out from behind their desks and yelled in sync, "Welcome back, Midoriya!" 

The green-haired male jumped with surprise as he looked around the classroom. There were so many smiling faces looking at him. Everyone was happy to see him. Tears quickly filled his eyes and spilled over his cheeks. He was such a crybaby. "Guys... I've missed you so much!" He cried out while wiping his eyes quickly with the back of his hands. 

Everyone rushed to surround him to give him a big group hug. He was sobbing with pure happiness and admiration for each of his peers. 

"You owe me 100 yen! I told you he'd cry." Jirou called out to Kaminari. The whole class began laughing at Deku's predictability. During the last four years at UA, they had gotten to know each other so damn well. 

After a very sappy day at school, Bakugou was leading Midoriya out of UA. "Where are we going, Kacchan?" He asked curiously as they were walking in the opposite direction of both his and Bakugou's apartments. 

"Shut up, shitty nerd." Katsuki grumbled under his breath. He was nervous enough without Deku asking him a bunch of questions. 

The blonde took the other out to eat his favorite meal: katsudon. They both ate cheerfully as they talked about how graduation would be coming up soon. Then, they would be shoved into the real world as pro heroes. It was nerve wracking to the both of them how they were growing up.

Once it got dark out, the blonde paid for their meal and they left the small café. They walked into downtown Japan. The beautifully different colored neon lights illuminated the streets. They finally arrived to their next destination. 

"A planetarium?" Deku asked curiously as they walked into their own private room. It was incredibly pitch black in the room. The two took their seats and reclined so they were facing towards the ceiling before the slideshow started. 

It was magnificently gorgeous. The planetarium showed beautiful images of the planets, comets, and stars. The both of them stared in pure awe. 

Bakugou bit his lower lip slowly as he reached over and grabbed Deku's hand. Their fingers interlaced as Bakugou used his thumb to caress the other's hand. Everything was going to the plan so far. 

The slideshow was showing different stars and their names before it got to a pair of two stars that shined brightly in the sky. They were side by side, nicknamed the lover stars because of how close together the two were. Sure, they were still light years apart, but they were the closest stars in history. It showed the stars names, Deku and Kacchan. 

Deku stared upwards at the planetarium screen in pure shock. Then, he looked over at Kacchan who was leaning over towards him. "You bought the lover stars?" Deku asked as his face flushed a bright pink color. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. 

"So we can be together eternally." Bakugou mumbled huskily before connecting their lips for a passionate kiss. Small tears quickly made their way down Midoriya's cheeks. He had never known Kacchan to be a romantic person, but this was the most extravagant gesture he had ever received. 

The kiss heated up slightly. Bakugou's hands made their way to grip Midoriya's jaw on either side. The shorter male wrapped his arms around the other's neck. The blonde bit the other's lower lip gently, asking for permission to deepen the kiss, which the other happily obliged. Bakugou's tongue gently rubbed against the other's, earning a muffled moan from the other. 

Katsuki reluctantly parted from the kiss a the two panted softly while trying to catch their breaths. "Be mine, Deku. Please be mine and only mine for the rest of our lives. I know I haven't been the best person to you, but I swear I'll do everything I can to make you happy as long as I live." The blonde cupped the other's cheeks as he was waiting for a response. Thankfully, it was so dark in the planetarium that he finally felt confident enough to be vulnerable. 

"I'm yours, Kacchan. As long as we're on this world, I'm yours." Deku replied before hastily reconnecting their lips for a steamy exchange as he climbed on top of the blonde, kissing him hungrily. Deku's hands wondered Katsuki's body as they made out passionately. He slowly rolled his hips so that his bottom grinded against Katsuki's member. The blonde let out a low groan in response. 

Deku got to work by quickly unbuttoning his shirt, but Kacchan once again parted their kiss. "Why are you taking your clothes off?" He asked as he gripped the other's wrists so he'd stop what he was doing. 

"I-I thought- No, I want to..." Deku's voice trailed off softly as he felt embarrassment hit him like a truck. 

"I'm not going to fuck you in a planetarium, you hopeless nerd." Katsuki said sternly as he began buttoning Deku's shirt back up for him. "That can wait until we get home." He finally added. Midoriya's heart fluttered in his chest as he returned back to his own seat, waiting with anticipation for when they'd finally go home. 

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