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Knock Out walked into a clinic on Cybertron. He was going to work there undercover to help the Autobots find out what had been happening to some patients who had disappeared.

He had temporarily changed his paint job from red to orange using an electric one and after becoming an Autobot he had changed his optic color to blue. And the Autobots had made it clear not to let any of his coworkers know he used to be a Decepticon because most of the one's disappearing had been or were Decepticons. So it would be safer for him if they didn't know his history.

Upon arriving for his first day on the job he was introduced to the three other medics who worked there. Pharma and a femme named Failsafe she was a really pretty pink color but also had something strange about her one of her optics was a blue Autobot optic while the other was a Decepticon red optic. The third medic hadn't arrived yet.

"Oh I was a Decepticon before I switched sides and when I left the Decepticons I lost an optic in the process and was brought to an Autobot medbay so the new one didn't exactly match and the other one was damaged so it's stuck that color." Failsafe explained.

"Yeah the blue one's an improvement but she's still stuck with that red monstrosity." Said Pharma.

"Think you could be a little nicer to her." Knock Out said having noticed a sad look on Failsafe's faceplates when the other medic said that. "I think she's beautiful."

Pharma just frowned and walked away.

"He hates Decepticons and won't get over the fact I used to be one." She explained. "And thanks."

"Well you changed for the better and I'm sure everyone will come to accept you in time." He reassured her.

"I didn't get your name by the way?" Pharma asked Knock Out.

Knock Out knew he couldn't tell them his real designation or they might figure out his background and who he was so he quickly made up a name. "It Spoiler." He told them.

"Well welcome to the staff." Pharma told him.

Then they heard someone enter the clinic Knock Out's spark suddenly started to race when he saw who it was he just hoped he didn't recognize him.

"Hi Night Wolf your just in time to meet the new Medic." Said. Pharma.

"Hi there I'm Night Wolf." Night Wolf introduced himself.

"I'm Spoiler hello." Knock Out replied glad that Night Wolf didn't recognise him.

"This just got complicated." Knock Out thought to himself.

Later when they were all going home for the day Knock Out ran into Failsafe who challenged him to a race saying she liked to race in her free time. And he accepted.

Then the two of them had a good time racing each other. And went out to Macadam's for energon and were already becoming close.

After they lefted the oil house Knock Out walked her home. And they told each other good night before he started back to his own place.

He really didn't like lying to her about who he was but he had to because he couldn't jeopardize his mission. And made up his mind he'd tell her who he was as soon as it was over and hope she wouldn't be mad at him.

But seeing Night Wolf again had made him neavus the last time he saw him had been before the war. And they hadn't parted on good terms.


Knock Out had just graduated from med school and had been assigned to work with another medic who had just graduated named Night Wolf they had been good friends in med school and were glad to be working together.

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