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Knock Out woke up some hours later and discovered he was strapped down on a medical berth.

He struggled against his restraints for awhile before realizing it wasn't going to work and started trying to think of a way out of his predicament.

He was terrified of what Night Wolf and Pharma would do to him. Knowing how sick they both were. He knew whatever they had in mind for him wasn't going to be good.

They had deactivated his weapons and com-link not that the later would be much help anyway since he couldn't get a signal down in the basement.

Just then Night Wolf came in. Knock Out wasn't going to let him know about the fear he was currently feeling but didn't hide the anger he was also feeling. As he continued to glare daggers at the black and red mech.

"I see your awake." Night Wolf said in a tone that made Knock Out uneasy.

"So what do you plan to do with me?" "And where's your partner in crime?" Hissed Knock Out trying not to let his captor know how scared he really was.

"Why make you suffer of course." Night Wolf told the red medic as he scratched his claws against his frame.

Knock Out struggled to fight back crises of pain as Night Wolf continued to claw at him. Poor Knock Out couldn't even fight back do to being strapped down on the berth.

"Oh and Pharma is off to get some equipment." Night Wolf told Knock Out as he continued to torture him with his claws.

Knock Out was still trying his best not to scream. But couldn't stop some coolant tears form spilling out of his optics.

Night Wolf stopped clawing at him. And Knock Out could feel something wet on some of the wounds Night Wolf had just inflicted on him.

He didn't have to guess that it was because Night Wolf had drawn energon in a few of the places he'd just scratched him.

"Oh this will never do I can't have you bleed out before I'm done with you." Night Wolf mocked Knock Out as he grabbed a welding torch.

Then started welding Knock Out's cuts without bothering to shut off his pain receptors first.

Knock Out couldn't hold back his cries of agony this time. As he felt the intense heat against his still fresh wounds. And he just wish he'd pass out already anything to make it stop.

Then Night Wolf finished and hooked Knock Out to an energon drip. The red medic still had coolant tears of pain streaming down his faceplates.

"See that wasn't so bad." Night Wolf said to his victim. Knock Out was in to much pain to speak and could only glare at him in response.

"Now it's time for you medicine." Night Wolf hissed in Knock Out's audio receptors and went over and got a syringe that he filled with more of the chemical restraint he made.

Then approached Knock Out again who started pulling at his restraints not wanting to be drugged again.

"No." Knock Out just continued to mutter weakly.

But Night Wolf held him down against the berth as he gave him the shot in the arm. And Knock Out became still.

"I'll let you rest a bit before I come back to torture you some more." Night Wolf told the now medicated Austin Martin. Before leaving him alone.

All Knock Out could do was look up at the ceiling.

Later that day Failsafe was working her shift while Pharma and Night Wolf had gone off to take care of some business.

All of a sudden she realized that Night Wolf had forgotten to lock the basement.

So went to close it but heard a low moan coming from the other side. So she went in to investigate. But what she found made her spark race.

"Spoiler!" She cried as she spotted her friend laying strapped to a berth. "Nice paint job." She thought getting a good look at him and thinking he was hot. "Not the time." She added realizing the situation was serious.

She quickly started undoing the restraints and could tell he'd been drugged with something.

"Don't worry Spoiler I'm getting you out of here." She told him as she started to half drag half carry him out of the basement.

"Knock Out." He managed to groan still being too out of it to speak and trying to tell her his real name.

"Yeah I know they knocked you out with something but I'm getting you out of here and finding you some help." She told him.

Just then a shot rang out and they both feel to the ground.

Failsafe now had a wound on her midsection and look up to see Night Wolf who had just shot her standing with Pharma who hit her in the helm causing the poor femme to go unconscious.

"What do we do now?" Asked Pharma.

"We'll take Knock Out back to the basement and strapped him back to the berth I'm not done with him yet." Night Wolf told Pharma.

"What about Failsafe?" Pharma asked.

"Just domp her somewhere she's going to offline anyway." Night Wolf said with out an ounce of sympathy.

So while Night Wolf took Knock Out back to the basement. Pharma took Failsafe to the outskirts of Kaon and left her there to die.

Later Knock Out came to again and saw some energon on the floor where his IV that was giving him an energon drip had been taken out.

It had been reattached since but he remembered what happened and this confirmed he hadn't imagined it. And now he was mad.

Night Wolf suddenly walked in. And Knock Out was so mad at him he actually managed to break out of his restraints and tackled him and started delivering punch after punch.

"You monster!" "You killed her!" Knock Out roared as he continued to beat Night Wolf while crying coolant tears of rage. "She tried to help me and you killed her!"

Just then Knock Out felt a prick in his neckcables and fell to the floor as Pharma pulled a syringe out of his neck.

"Your lucky I came in when I did and happened to have some of your chemical restraint handy." Pharma told Night Wolf.

"Let get him back on the berth and put some new restraints on him." Night Wolf said to Pharma. "And let's start giving him a more extensive dose." He added taking out another IV.

Meanwhile Failsafe was laying on the ground in the outskirts of Kaon she had come too a little but was losing energon so rapidly she kept coming in and out of consciousness.

All she could do was lay there in pain as she continued to bleed out.

When suddenly she saw a bot coming towards her. She was struggling to stay awake and everything was fuzzy out of focus so she couldn't make out many details about the bot who was heading her way.

And everything seemed dark so she couldn't even tell what color scheme they had or if it was a femme or a mech. all she could make out was a pair of wings sticking out of the bot's back.

She didn't even know if it was a friend there to help her or a foe there to finish her off.

All she cold do was watch the bot approach her before going unconscious again from the loss of energon.

To Be Continued.

Well there's chapter three and another cliffhanger for all of you. I'll try to have the next chapter of this story as well as my other one's up soon. So in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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