Hold On

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While Ratchet and Failsafe continued to work on Knock Out. Starscream woke up and Sunsprite explained to him everything that had went down.

And both seekers set in the waiting room hoping their friend would make it.

"This whole thing is my fault." Said Starscream. "I should have left right away but like an idiot I had to stay there a few extra minutes and get myself caught."

"If you guys hadn't had to rescue me Knock Out would be fine right now and you wouldn't have gotten you leg hurt." Starscream told Sunsprite. "You could have die with me in that fire."

"But I didn't we were able to save you and now Pharma is dead and won't hurt anyone else." Sunsprite told him. "And I think your worth it."

"How can you think I'm worth it?" "I used to be a Decepticon and hurt countless bots and humans during the war and I've killed before." Starscream told her.

"The truth is I'm no better then those two were." "During the war I killed a bot by stabbing a hole through his midsection and now the irony is my best friend may be dying from receiving such a wound." He added sadly.

"No you are better then those two because you've changed and you admit what you did back then was wrong and feel bad for it." Sunsprite told him. "And you are worth it to me because I love you." "And Knock Out will make it because you said you two were friends during the war and if he's anything like you he's strong and will be fine."

"Thanks." He said to her as the two of them then huged. "And I love you too."

Meanwhile in the operating room Ratchet and Failsafe were both hard at work trying to save Knock Out.

When suddenly the red medic started to jerk uncontrollably as his vitals starting going crazy.

"Oh no Knock Out's going into shock!" Cried Failsafe as she started trying to get the cherry mech stable.

"No he's crashing!" Ratchet almost screamed as he and Failsafe continued fighting to keep the red medic online.

"Knock Out if you can hear me please hold on." Failsafe told him. "Please I don't want to lose you I love you."

Knock Out suddenly as if hearing her became stable again. Then she and Ratchet finished treating him.

A few hours later they came out and said Knock Out would be fine. It had been touch and go for awhile but he was going to make a full recovery after a few weeks of bed rest and taking it easy.

And when he woke up everyone visited him in his room and told him that Pharma was now gone and Starscream was safe. Which Knock Out was glad to hear.

"But I'll feel a lot safer once Night Wolf is in custody." Said Knock Out.

"Don't worry Prowl and the rest of the police force are doing everything they can to track him down so it will only be a matter of time." Ratchet told him.

"Good that mech is beyond insane." Knock Out said to them. "And thanks guys for getting me here so quickly and saving my life."

"And thank you for going to save me." Starscream told him.

"Anytime Screamer." Knock Out told his friend.

"And I love you too Failsafe." He then said looking at the Femme who smiled at him.

Then Starscream and Sunsprite accepted the offer from earlier to become Autobots.

Then they left so Knock Out could rest. The red medic was glad he and his friends were all safe at the moment. But couldn't help feeling like he'd hadn't seen the last of Night Wolf.

He didn't like the thought of the black and red mech hurting him or one of his friends again and would be glad when he was caught and put in jail and he knew he wouldn't hurt anyone else. But right now he was tired so decided to recharge.

Meanwhile Night Wolf was hiding in a cave. Had learned Knock Out had survived being stabbed by spying from outside the hospital and had overhead Failsafe and Sunsprite who had become best friends talking about how glad they were that Knock Out had pulled through.

Night Wolf had listened from an alley and left before the femmes could spot him so they didn't even knew he was there.

"Looks like I can get the revenge I wanted after all." He thought. "Knock Out you won't know what hit you."

To Be Continued.

Sorry if this chapter was short there's only three left now and this was a filler the next three chapters will be better this was just the set up for them. I'll try to have them up soon as well as update my other stories. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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