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The next day Knock Out went back to work at the medbay after he called Ratchet and told him of the situation with Night Wolf.

Ratchet said he would try to join him as soon as he could but it would be awhile be for he could get there.

In the meantime Knock Out would continue to try to learn what he could about what was happening to the patients that had been disappearing.

Knock Out arrived at the clinic and talked to Failsafe for awhile before she had to leave on a supply run.

And Knock Out realized he was currently the only one at the clinic so he decided to poke around a bit.

So he walked down the hallway deciding to check out the basement remembering Night Wolf's original lab had been in a basement.

Upon reaching the basement Knock Out was greeted with a sigh that said off limits and remembered Failsafe had told him that the only two aloud back there were Pharma and Night Wolf.

So Knock Out thought that sounded promising and decided to check it out.

When he went inside the first thing he saw was some not so friendly looking substances in syringes and parts all over the place and even a few bodies.

"I think I just found the missing patients." He thought. And decided to get out of there before anyone found him.

But unfortunately when he started to exist he ran into Night Wolf and Pharma who had been about to enter.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Pharma.

"Just looking for the cafeteria." Knock Out tried to cover for himself but unfortunately the two mechs didn't buy it.

Knock Out started to run for it but Night Wolf grabbed his servo. And accidentally deactivated his electric paint job revealing his red finish.

"What is this?" Hissed Pharma. "Who are you and who sent you?"

"My name is Spoiler and I wanted a job here." Knock Out said trying to salvage his cover and attempting to run pass them only for Night Wolf to grab him more firmly.

"I don't think so Knock Out." Night Wolf growled recognizing him.

"I see your still killing patients!" Knock Out hissed at him.

"And getting rid of Decepticons right Pharma." Night Wolf told his partner in crime.

"I thought your medical license was taken away?" Knock Out asked.

"I made him a new one." Pharma explained. "A forgery just convincing enough to pass for the real thing."

"Your just as sick as he is." Knock Out growled earning him a slap across the faceplates from Pharma.

"Now tell us who's wise to us?" Hissed Night Wolf who dug his claws into Knock Out's frame making the red medic bite back a cry of pain.

"Not a chance." Knock Out grunted.

"Bring him inside the basement." Pharma told Night Wolf who started trying to force Knock Out through the door.

"No!" "Nooo!" "Help!" Knock Out cried before Night Wolf clamped a servo over his mouth and forced him inside.

Knock Out managed to break free just as Pharma closed and locked the door. He ran straight to it and started banging on it and trying desperately to get it open but it was locked and wouldn't budge.

Knock Out continued to scream hoping to get someone to come help him.

"Your wasting you time this is a sound proof room." Night Wolf mocked him.

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