To Save A Seeker

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The next morning Knock Out woke up in the medbay with a start but Ratchet and Failsafe both went in and told him he was safe. Then the red medic started to relax.

And they explained to him what had happened and how they'd gotten him away from Night Wolf and Pharma.

"Thanks for saving me." Knock Out told them. And he was glad to see Failsafe was alive and well after thinking she'd been shot and killed.

"I'm sorry I didn't find out what they were doing to you sooner I should have checked that basement more thoroughly and I should have known something was wrong when you didn't meet me there." Ratchet apologized.

"It's ok there's no way you could have known I was being held there." Knock Out tried to reassure him. "And I was the idiot who got himself caught."

"And Failsafe I'm sorry you got hurt trying to help me earlier and that I lied about who I was." He added.

"It's ok you were undercover you couldn't exactly say who you were and for the record I think Knock Out is a much better name and I think the red paint job looks hotter then the orange one did." She told him with a smile.

Just then they heard a knock at the door and a mech handed Knock Out a package then started to leave but Ratchet stopped him. 

"What's that package?" He asked.

"I don't know a couple of mechs just paid me to deliver it they didn't say what it was." The mech explained before leaving.

"It's not signed do you think it's safe?" Asked Knock Out.

"It's not ticking so I don't think it's a bomb." Added Failsafe.

"Let's see what it is then." Knock Out said as he opened the package to only for a razor snake to jump out at him.

Knock Out leaned as far back on the berth as he could to avoid the razor snake that was trying to bite him. Lucky Ratchet managed to grab it by the back of the neck and quickly put it back in the box before closing it.

"Are you ok?" Failsafe asked the cherry colored mech.

"It didn't bite you did it?" Asked Ratchet.

"No I'm fine it didn't bite me." Knock Out told them sounding shaken but starting to calm down.

"Good because I got a look at it's marking and that particular breed of razor snake is highly venomous." Ratchet explained.

"What was it doing in the package?" Knock Out asked not sounding happy.

Then they stopped a note and tape on the floor and Failsafe picked up the note and handed it to Knock Out who read it. And it said.

"Dear Knock Out.

"Hope you liked the gife we sent you and that it didn't kill you because it was supposed to send a message that we're going to make you pay for interfering with our plans."

"Oh and have you seen Starscream lately because we have him and will kill him if you don't come to the clinic tonight so we can settle the score."

"Oh and come alone or the seeker dies."

"Night Wolf and Pharma."

Then they watch the tape that had the same message and they saw Starscream restrained to a berth and Night Wolf stab him in the wing. And knew how much danger their friend was in and were glad Sunsprite hadn't been in the room to see that.

"So what do we do?" Asked Failsafe.

"I don't have a choice I have to do what they say and go to meet them alone or they'll kill Starscream." Said Knock Out.

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