A Rescue And A Problem

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The next morning Failsafe, Starscream and Sunsprite put their plan into motion.

Failsafe was going to go in and get Knock Out. While Starscream would provide the deraction. And Sunsprite would go to Iacon and be ready to get help if something when wrong.

Failsafe carefully snuck into the clinic try not to be seen. When she heard a boom from outside.

"By the Allspark that was powerful missile if they were that strong back then Megatron would be so high in the sky." Starscream yelled then busted out laughing.

"We seekers are the true warbirds gladiators are rocks." He added.

"What in the universe is that seeker talking about?" Asked Pharma.

"He's wasted." Hissed Night Wolf.

"Cybertron has such pretty moons but they fall we're screwed." Starscream continued. "I'm king of the screams."

"Ok either that seeker is plastered or just crazy." Said Pharma.

"I can't believe Macadam's give me ten cubes for very little shanix suddenly Cybertron is cheap now." Starscream yelled. "Energy energy!"

"Yeah I'm gonna go with crazy." Night Wolf told Pharma.

Neither of them knew Starscream was actually pretending to be drunk to keep them busy.

Meanwhile Failsafe went in the basement and found Knock Out strapped to the berth with the mask that was giving him Cryo-gas still on his faceplates and the IV giving him the chemical restraint still set on a drip.

"Knock Out hold on I'm getting you out of here." Failsafe told the unconscious mech. As she carefully got the mask of him and undid the IVs and straps.

Then she half dragged half carried him out of the clinic and started to the Autobot base. Knowing they could help Knock Out.

Once there when they saw what shape Knock Out was in Ratchet wasted no time rushing him to the medbay while Failsafe explained everything that happened.

The Autobots told her she was welcome to join them and after hearing about how they'd helped they said both seekers were welcome to join them too.

Failsafe called Sunsprite on her com-link to tell her and Starscream they could be Autobots if they wanted too. While she sat outside the medbay waiting to find out if Knock Out would be alright.

But when the seeker femme came on the line she sounded upset and close to tears.

"What's wrong?" Asked Failsafe.

"I tried to get a hold of Starscream to tell him the diversion worked and he could come back but he won't answer his com-link and I'm worried about him I've been trying for a while now." She explained and Failsafe could hear the worry in her voice.

"I'll tell the Autobots we have a missing seeker." She said and Sunsprite thanked her.

Meanwhile at the sametime Failsafe had been getting Knock Out out of the clinic. Starscream had saw Failsafe get Knock Out away from the clinic and knew his friends were safe.

So he decided to take his leave but had spotted something shiney on the ground and went over to it and found a shard of metal that glistened and was really pretty he picked it up and put it in his subspace thinking it would make a nice gift for Sunsprite.

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