Chapter 3

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(Sherlocks POV)

I still stand behind the tree, deciding not to follow John home. My poor blogger, what have I done to you. Maybe this is good for him moving on. I don't know where to go from here, I'm not suppose to be in public, not near John. I try to explain to Mycroft that I need to make sure that he's safe. That's all that's mattered to me since the fall. Yes I've helped Mycroft with something's, not exactly willingly. I walk out of the cemetery, and there was my brothers car waiting for me, wonderful just wonderful.

I open the door to find my brother in the car which is not like him.

"Well this is new." I said.

"What were you doing hear Sherlock?" He questioned

"I don't need to answer, there's no doubt you been Spying on me." I said while I was getting into his car and closed the door.

"You know I don't approve of this, of you being so close to John." Mycroft says with some anger in his tone.

This makes me angry, more angry than both of us expected. "Why? Why Mycroft why can't I see John, why can't I protect him? I need to keep him safe!" I say infused with anger building up in side of me with every breath I take.

"Sherlock you already have, you have to stop following him. He was here for a reason, you heard him yourself."

I did hear him, he said goodbye to me. He's trying to forget me, why, I never understood why people want to forget. I understand that memories can trigger your emotions but I didn't think that meant to throw away the time you had with that person.

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride through. Mycroft knows I understand, but I won't listen. I never listen to him, why should I he always tried to take advantage of me, he's the reason why I never trust him. I'm dropped off at this building where I stay it's nice and quiet and I'm not bothered unless Mycroft comes for a visit.

Before I shut the door, I remove my scarf and pull a letter out of my pocket and hand it to Mycroft.

"Give these to John, I-I want him to have something of me, and give him the letter. Tell him I wrote it and gave it to you awhile back." I say sorrowfully.

"Will do." He tells me.

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