Chapter 17

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(Sherlocks POV)

As we left this little restaurant that yes I helped the owner from going to jail, we decided to walk for awhile. Why not, for once in London it's sunny out. Plus I did just solve a murder, it's a pretty good day. After awhile I start to tense up "What's wrong?" John asks.

"Something's wrong, something's going to happen." I say

"What do you mean?" He sounds worried. I could be over thinking but no, no I can tell something is not right. I look behind me and look at a window in a building not to far from us. It's open, why it open, fresh air no, nobody lives there, there's a for sale sign in the on the door that has sold on it. But there are no cars in near by that could be for the owner of that house, no cars in the parking spots in front of it. So whys the window open I look closer that's when I see the dark shape behind what looks like to be a gun.

"Take my hand." I say as I hold my hand out. He grabs it and I pull him as I start to run. Gun shots start to fire and people start to scream. This is what I thought would happen, someone would come after me and John. "We have to get out of here!" I start to go through the map of England in my head. We turn through an ally where we're safe from the sniper. But then there's a man running behind us through the ally, I hear his gun trigger click. We run faster as he start to fire his shotgun. Right when we go around the corner John lets out a yell and start to slow down. "John!"

"I'm fine!" He yells in pain. He's not, I could see where he was hit, right in his lower left abdomen. I take his arm and bring it around my shoulder and my hand around his waste so we can move faster and away from the gun man. There's a small ally that we turn down, I don't hear the gunman anymore, we should be safe for now.

John starts to stumble to the ground, I grab him and lower him down gently. "John, wha... What do I do... I don't know... I don't know what to do!" I can't find anything, I try to think, I should know this, think dammit think! I'm starting to panic and I'm not the one that's shot.

He looks me in the eyes and take my hand. "Sherlock calm down ok, just calm down, I'll talk you through everything. Now first take your hand and put pressure on the wound with it." He guides my shaky hand over where he was shot. "Ok now call for help ok." He says.

I take my free hand and grab my phone. I dial for Lestrade. "Lestrade, I need an ambulance and police back up right away! Ok, yeah as soon as possible as in now!" I hang up the phone and take my focus back to John who is now starting to breath heavily.

"It would have helped if you told him where we are." He says

"I kinda thought ahead and got a tracker in my phone, not into people knowing where I am but I thought it might be needed." I tell him, as a tear rolls down my eye. I bring my free hand over top of Johns hand that holds mine that is applying pressure to his wound.

"It's ok, Sherlock I'm going to be ok. Just keep talking to me, make sure I stay awake, ok." He says trying to reassure me.

"It shouldn't be you, you shouldn't be the one shot." I start to cry. I want to hide these emotions and be strong for him but I can't.

"No Sherlock, don't... Don't think like that ok." He says, his voice is getting shaky, I'm starting to worry, what if there to late, what if I can't save him this time?

I can't talk, I'm scared, wait scared that's weird. Come on Lestrade hurry up! John, holds my hand tighter, he's scared like me, but how can he not show it. Well I guess in his defense he has been shot before, I guess its not as scary this time, maybe. "John, how are you holding up?" I ask him.

"I'm doing pretty good, considering be...being shot and all." He says sarcastically.

"Sorry stupid question I know." I say.

"Its ok." He says smile and a tear in his eye. He brings his hand to my cheek. "I love you..."

"John don't, please don't." I say trying not to cry anymore than I already am. I hear a siren from a distance and look in the direction I hear it, they'll be here within a minute. I look back at John who's eyes are shut and his body becomes lifeless. "John! No John no you can't do this, there almost here please John, stay with me. Please I love you, I love." I keep my hand over his wound and pull the rest of his body closer to mine. The ambulance pulls over to the curb that's down by the open end of the ally and then a bunch if cop cars show up as well. They come over with a stretcher, I follow there instructions and let them take John.

Lestrade runs over to me "do you know where the gun man went?" He asks me.

I'm looking off into the distance to where there taking John away, I should be with him not answering Lestrades questions. "No, won't find him he's long gone." I answer still not putting much attention to Lestrade.

"Go with him, I'll meet up with you at the hospital and then worry about the questions." He says to me.

"Thanks." I say as a I take off after John and get into the ambulance once they lift him in. There's nothing I can really do but I hold his hand, I'm not sure if he knows what happening, or if I'm right next to him holding his hand. It doesn't matter, at least I'm more at ease while I hold his hand.

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