Chapter 18

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(Sherlocks POV)

I sit next to his bed side again, not even a week and I have gotten John put in the hospital twice. Lestrade comes in to ask questions, there's not much I could tell, I should be able to deduce everything down but my mind is frozen.

"Sherlock do you remember anything." He asks.

"There were two men, there was sniper that was in a flat. And then the one chasing us. If I think of anything else I'll let you know." I tell him. "Lestrade I don't want to be rude but can I have some privacy for a moment."

"Sure, no problem." He stands up for his chair and leaves the room leaving me and John alone.

"Hey John, I'm...I'm sorry about this. I should have known and protected you better, I'm so, so sorry. I know you would tell me it's not my fault, but it is, it just is." I grab his hand and hold it tight. "I...I know you can't hear me right now, or maybe you can. Either way I'm probably going to do something stupid and I know you don't want me to but, I... I can't sit and wait when there's someone out there who tried to kill you. Just... Just get better and... And when you wake up I'll be right here for you ok." I kiss him on the forehead and let go of his hand. I get up and walk to the door, I'm about to open when I look back him, so calm, so peaceful, unaware of what could happen. I turn away and open the door, keeping that image in my memory.


(Johns POV)

I wake up to a an extreme pain in my side. I don't remember much, how long has it been, who was it that shot me, and where's Sherlock? I look around to see if he's somewhere in the room but he's know where.

"I haven't seen him for a day now." I look over to see its Greg.

"Where is he then?" I ask.

"No clue." He tells me.

This worries me a lot. "You don't think he tried to go after the guy who shot me?"

"That's the only conclusion I can come up with, I'm sorry John I haven't heard from him, he's not at baker st." He explains.

"Something wrong." I try to get up but the pain in my side hurts more when I move.

"You don't know that John" he tries to tell me.

"No, I do know, he would be back by now." His voice comes into my head 'when you wake I'll be here for you' I don't remember when he said that but I know he told me it. He would be here unless something was wrong. I start to get up again.

"John..." Lestrade tries to stop me.

"Don't try arguing with me Greg, just go and get me a wheel chair!" I yell.

He runs out the room and shortly returns with a wheel chair. I slowly move from bed to chair and Greg grabs the handles and pushes me out of the room. I dial for Sherlock on my phone it goes right to voicemail "Sherlock, where are you!" I try again, but again sent to voice mail. "Sherlock, I'm really worried please answer!" I try to call again...

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