Chapter 14

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(Johns POV)

We didn't leave the flat today. People are already asking for help, or asking if Sherlock is really back. I talked to Lestrade about Sherlock had told me and asked for him to try to find information. Molly had stopped by to welcome Sherlock back and to apologize to me about her not telling me. I don't blame her, she had to do what was needed. Mrs. Hudson checked in with me and I let her know what's going on, she brought us up dinner and let us be.

We climb into bed I turn off my light and he turns off his. I lie on my side and feel his long arm reach over my side and lay just a little below on my chest. "John, are you still awake." He says.

"Yeah." I say bring my hand to his. "What is it?"

"Do you remember what I said in my letter to you? About how I want you to still live even though I'm dead."

"Yeah, I remember. Why?" I ask

"It's just, if something happens to me and there's a likely chance something will, please I need you to live."

"Sherlock, don't, please don't talk like this. Your not going to die, I won't allow it." I tell him, I don't want to hear him talk about this. I hold his hand tighter now, hoping he'll take it as a hint to shut up, he won't though.

"I know, but if something does, I need to know that your not going to..." But he doesn't continue, I know what he's going to say. He doesn't want me to die because of him. But he doesn't get I would take bullet for him, I would do anything to keep him alive.

"I know Sherlock, I promise no matter what I will live for you, but that doesn't give you the excuse to die for me, not again. Do you promise?" I ask him, my hand still tightly holding his.

"I promise." He tells me, I know he's probably lying to make me happy, but I'd rather trust that he means it. "John? What am I to you?"

I don't know how to answer, I've never really thought about it now. We sleep in the same bed and have shared a kiss that means something doesn't it? I turn to face him and look directly into his beautiful blue/green eyes. "Your the only thing in life I care about. Your what I fear in losing. You are the thing that makes my heart race a thousand miles. You drive me completely mad in the most wonderful way. Your the person that I love."

"Does that make me you...boyfriend?" He a asked.

"Yes, I think it does." I say with a smile. It takes me a few seconds to realize what I agreed to, boyfriend, I have a boyfriend. I laugh to my self, I guess Mrs. Hudson was right after all. "So I told you what you are to me, now it's your turn."

"I, um, you are... I'm sorry I don't know how to... To say it, like you did." He says. I realized he's never shown this side of him to everyone, he doesn't even know how to express it.

"Just tell me how I make you feel, or... You know never mind you don't have to." I tell him. I know he loves me, I don't him to feel that he has to tell me.

"No I have to tell you." He says, almost like he was reading my mind. "John, you are what completes me. I cannot function without my blogger, without you, I think I would really be dead. And I know that I am terrible at telling you how I feel but, I think the point is, I love you so much, and nobody can change that." As he finishes a tear rolls down my cheek. "Did I do it right?" He asks.

I smile at him and whisper "Yes." I bring my hand to the back of his head and pull him close so our lips touch. There it is again, my heart starts to race, and a rush of warmth goes through my body. I wonder if that's what he feels, he must feel something because he starts to kiss back. We both stop to breath, our faces inches away from each other, just staring into each others eyes. The world for once is still and nothing else matters.

We start to resume the position we had before with his arm around me, while I hold his hand. We say nothing else for tonight, just listening to each others breathing, knowing that we are both alive.

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