Chapter 16

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(Johns POV)

Hear we are back with my Psychiatrist, I wonder if I'll ever stop seeing her. "How has it been John?" She asks.

"It's a lot better than how it's been, Sherlock is back, and so am I." I say

"Anything you need to talk about? Anything bothering you?"

"No, well maybe, it's Sherlock he seems, I don't know worried and scared. And he has every right to cause there's no doubt someone's out to kill us. But what bothers me is, he doesn't want to talk about anything that worries him." I explain.

"Well John I only know him from what you have told me, but from what I can tell he doesn't need to see a professional. How about you try to be his psychiatrist, have him talk to you." She explains to me.

"But he won't, that's not what he does." I try to tell her. I want to talk with him and figure out what's wrong. He's just to scared to tell me. But I need to do something. "How can I help him, what do I do?" I ask.

"Just try to get him talking and don't push him. And most of all be patient." She tells me.

I look at my watch, my half hours up. I stand up and give a genuine smile "So I take it I'm not considered suicidal anymore?"

"I say your doing much better. I do recommend you still coming back regularly scheduled though." She explains.

"Thank you." I turn and leave out the door. I send Sherlock a text to know where to meet him.

(Sherlocks POV)

I receive a text from John and tell him to come to St. Bart's. I focus my attention back to a to Lestrade and Molly talking.

"We both agree its impossible Sherlock." Lestrade tells me. "There's no way his ex-wife's sister did it."

"Oh come on! How do you not see it! Let me make it simple, when he was married to his ex he was having an affair. Now his ex found out but she didn't find out with who. Now who it was, was her sister. But it turns out later on the ex finds out it's this other woman, not figuring out he was also dating her sister. Her sister finds out she was being cheated on as well, now this is where it gets interesting. When we met her sister she was very happy even though he was dead, too happy. Considering the man as far as we know had no enemy's, nobody he would have to worry about, the only thing is he cheats a lot. The ex was very upset and showed she had no hate for him even though what he's done to her. But the sister she was ok with every thing. Hence she murdered him." I explain.

"Fine, fine your right." He pulls out his phone and dials a number. "Yeah, ah... We know who killed him..." He starts to walk out of the room.

Molly comes over to me "Looks like you've still got it." She says smiling. "So is everything ok?"

"Yes I think so. Everything is back to normal." I say

"No, something's different about you."

"What?" I ask.

"You don't look sad anymore, it's because you feel he can see you." She explains. She looks down, slightly sad looking. I know she must hurt in a way, she doesn't need me to explain to her, she knows what me and Johns relationship is.

"Molly, I know this hard for you being you've had feelings toward me." I tell her.

She looks back up at me. "No it's fine, I want you and John to be happy. Don't worry about me, I know that somebody is out there for me."

"I think there is to. Have you ever considered Lestrade." I suggest.

"Isn't he married?" She exclaims.

I laugh a little. "I don't think that's something to worry about, they'll be divorced by then of the month. But I saw how would look at you, maybe he likes you, and maybe you should give him a chance."

"Maybe I will." She asks smiling.

The door opens and John walks in. "Hey, what have I missed."

"Simple murder nothing that exciting." I tell him. I look over at Molly and say "I take it Lestrade doesn't need me here anymore. I think me and John will head out for lunch, maybe you and Lestrade should do the same." I give Molly a wink and head for the door and John follows.

"What was that?" He asks.

"What?" I ask back.

"You suggesting Molly to go on a lunch date with Lestrade." He says.

"I don't know, just thought she and Lestrade might hit it off or something." I say. He looks over at me smiling. "What?"

"Sherlock Holmes the worlds only consulting match maker." He says.

"Shut up." I tell him in a stern voice, but I look over at him and start to laugh.

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