Chapter 4

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(Johns POV)

I wake from the sound of my doorbell. I'm first confused it feels so early in the morning but the clock reads 11:33. As I get up I realize how heavy and tired my eyes are, I must have been crying all night, it's not the first time. I put my robe on and walk to the door, just to open it to Mycroft.

"Mycroft what a surprise." I try to say as cheerfully as I can.

"Sorry is it a bad time?" He asks

"Yes, I mean no, I mean it kinda always is, you know I'll shut up come on in."

"I would ask how you've been but it seems I already know what the answer is." Mycroft says.

"No, no I'm doing better, much better really." I lied

"Good, that's very good." He said examining my flat.

"So, what are you doing here?" I ask

"Checking on you, Sherlock had told me long ago if anything were to happen to him, to make sure you'd go on and live your life." Mycroft explains. "And you seem to be doing so."

"Is that all?" My tone of voice starts to have anger in it.

"No, here." He hads me Sherlocks scarf and a letter.

"Why? Why are you giving me this?" I start to get choked up, I use all my strength not to break down.

"He would have wanted you to have it, and the letter he gave it to me the day he, he said give it to John." Before I could say anything else or hand the items back to him, he leaves.

I walk back to my room put the letter and scarf on the night stand next to my bed. I walk to the bathroom, look in the mirror and see how bad I really did look, my eyes were so puffy, my face tired. Mycroft knew I was lying, no doubt. I turn on the sink and go over my face with cooled water, trying wake up, wake up from my nightmare.

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