Chapter 2

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The pandemonium

Alec’s P.O.V
Tonight was the mission and I got ready on time as Izzy asked. I climbed down the stairs to the common room to find Jace there. “When do we leave?” I asked him and he replied rolling his eyes “Just as clave plans to mind their own business for at least 5 minutes.” I smiled to myself at that. He was always that confident and maybe that was the reason I was attracted to him this much.
“5 minutes are too much, don’t you think Jace?” I smirked and Jace smirked back and was about to reply but Izzy entered the common room and he decided otherwise. Izzy strode towards us in her usual graceful self. She was wearing a white dress that grazed her knee with every step. As always “nothing less than seven inches.” I always wondered how she manages to run and jump in those heels.
“I was thought of wearing blue.” She said while picking up the seraph blade that was in front of her, which I, obviously, snatched from her as it was mine and it took a lot of time cleaning it last night. Also, last night, I had an unusual dream. I saw myself holding a boy that looked no more than 20 years but felt very ancient. He looked weak at the moment. Drained would explain his condition better. I don’t have a clue about who he was but something told me that I was connected to him somehow.
I pushed the thought out of my mind when my mother came up to me “Alec, I heard you three were planning to go to pandemonium tonight?” she Inquired and I looked at Jace “I need you to make sure of it that no one go there without the permission from clave, they are the authority.” She ordered and looked at Jace and Izzy with a look that told enough about the level of her rage right now on finding out what we were up to. “See! I told you to ask the clave first. Permission would have made things easier” I turned to Jace and knew it won’t make a difference; Jace will do what he wants to. Izzy’s mouth twitched and I knew she was trying hard to not to laugh at the same realization.
“At least someone here cares about asking the clave.” My mother rolled her eyes at them. She went back to where she came from, the library, and I turned to Izzy, “If we leave now Jace will answer the clave.” Izzy smirked at Jace who was already packing up his weapons. “Okay Alec, I will.” He said as if it’s nothing and I raised my eyebrows at him so he smiled at me before turning to leave.
“We will be back before they even know it.” Jace claimed and Izzy replied with “besides, it’s more fun to break the rules than to follow them.” And I just walked beside them almost bored at that.

Magnus’ P.O.V
The party was everything right now I wanted to make sure that if that boy really comes to the party I should make the best impression on him and I, deciding what to wear a complete day back was sign proving that. I wanted everything to be perfect. Not too dull and not too colourful either, sober and elegant. Just like I felt he was. 

Alec’s P.O.V
It was 9 in the night when we left and reached Pandemonium at 9:03. “2 minutes left Jace.” I reminded Jace coldly and Izzy rolled her eyes. We entered the building that had a board on which the word “Pandemonium” was glowing in red. Only after a second the first and last three letters stopped glowing so only “demon” was glowing in the middle of them and a second later the complete word was glowing again. It happened again, and again. For a second I wondered who or what was this creative to make it.
“Ready?” Izzy asked. “Born ready.” Jace replied with a smirk. I alerted myself. We split up. Izzy was on the roof of a building and so was Jace. I was standing in front of a vegetable stall. I was using glamour so I knew no one would see. Not even the CCTV camera at the back of the stall. We knew what our target looked like and if we were lucky it would have stayed the same person but there were fifty per cent chance that it won’t as it was shape shifter. It won’t matter thought, I would still be tortured by its odour
I smelled rotting meat and knew the demon was near. An old man in black suit, with glasses and a wrinkled skin came behind me and stood there to look around and then moved forward, unable to detect the source of energy radiation that came from my runes. I turned to look at him and knew he was the person from the screen at institute. He started moving forward and I followed. He slowed down and I knew he felt the radiations again so I jumped because if it somehow tracked those radiations he could get to me easily. Thanks to my weightless rune I jumped high enough to land on the roof with Jace and Izzy and she kept following him from the roof.
I moved towards the gate of the building called Pandemonium, walking on roof and so did she while following that demon. Jace was already there and when we reached the roof of the Pandemonium near the gates, she, Jace and I jumped down and landed gracefully. We followed it to the building which was a club, I realized, at entering. That demon shape shifted in front of us into a young girl, it ran into purposely. I was disgusted at the stench which these busy mundanes could not register. And I was about to tell Jace to hurry up when I realized Jace wasn’t with us. I panicked and called out for Izzy. We both came out to find Jace looking at a mundane girl in a short black dress and black shoes with a jacket on and ginger-curly hair falling on her jacket almost annoyingly. He was utterly confused and, to my surprise and as well as Izzy’s, she was staring back at him. Maybe that confused Jace too.
I called for Jace as we were running out of time and we were losing a demon. I wasn’t ready to admit that another reason was me; because I was jealous of that mundane. But the expressions on Izzy’s face told me that she knew. He responded almost immediately as if I snapped him back to our world. As if Jace was losing focus which was next to impossible and that worried me more than anything.
“Are you crazy Jace?” I almost screamed at him in frustration and I didn’t have to explain it to him anymore that we almost lost a demon and it was getting late already. He looked shaken to his core so I focused on the task at hand and left him to it. He did the same; and focused at the task. We entered Pandemonium again and went to take our positions He went to the demon girl and I followed him in through the curtains and closed the curtains behind me. Izzy was already in. She went up to the other demons and attracted them while I hid behind the pillar, my bow ready in my hand to shoot the arrows. And Jace started questioning that demon-girl about her purpose and plans and what she was doing here.
We were doing everything according to plan when the curtains parted and that mundane girl came inside and just as Jace was about to kill the demon, she screamed. I was on fire and I could’ve killed her right there and then if we were allowed to kill the mundanes. Jace lost focus again and I shot my arrow at the demon who was about to attack Jace now and he again snapped back. Izzy was just as worried as I was and she took out her whip and seraph blade and started fighting beside us. That girl was confused as Jace dropped his seraph blade accidently that she picked up.
It was indeed a shock to me as well that the seraph blade lightened in her hands and Jace pushed a demon towards her and the blade in her hands killed it and he snatched his blade back from her. When we killed all the demons, she was shouting murderer at Jace and us. I raised my eyebrows at Jace for not even replying and found Izzy doing the same and that girl left and Jace never moved.
“Who is she?” I asked Jace. “How would I know?” He replied and I just stared at him. “Let’s go back. It’s already late.” Izzy cut in before I could ask him then why did he let her go when she saw us through our glamour.
I planned to question Jace as we reached the institute. It was late when we did but I asked Jace, “What’s wrong with you? You lost focus twice today, and let that mundane go when she saw us killing demons, even though we were glamourized.” “Do you really think she was a mundane Alec?” he said lost in thoughts. “So are you saying she is a shadowhunter we don’t even have a clue about?” I asked him completely shocked. “Even I’m not sure but nothing else explains it.” He almost murmured

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