Chapter 6

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Simon got turned

Alec’s P.O.V
I returned to the institute from Magnus’ and as I entered the building I saw everyone busy. Great, I thought. No one noticed I wasn’t here all night. “Slept at Magnus’ place?” Izzy came up behind me. I turned to see her smirking. “Didn’t do much sleeping.” I rolled my eyes and was about to leave when I realized the reason of her smirk turning into a grin “I was cleaning his couch and Magnus made cocktails, that’s it.” I added.
She smiled and rolled her eyes. “When you want to talk about it, you know where to find me.” She winked and left. Clary came up to me while staring at Izzy, “What was that about?” she asked me and I shrugged while Clary stared at me for a while, confused. “What do you want?” I finally asked and she realized she had something to say and I rolled my eyes.
“Where is Jace?” she asked me. “I don’t know, I just came back and wasn’t he with you people last night?” she seemed impatient to see him. “What is it anyway?” I asked and she smiled at me, “Oh its nothing, I just wanted to talk to him.” And I saw her blush. “I don’t know where he is.” I said coldly and went past her.
I went to my room and looked at the mirror standing right in front of the door. She was blushing which meant that Jace wasn’t the only one interested. I felt helplessness that was so overwhelming I thought I would never be able to breathe again. I stood there for half an hour maybe before there was a knock on the door when I wiped those tears away harshly and opened up the door to see Izzy drained of colours while tears were rolling down her cheeks
“What is it?” I asked her panicking. “Simon-“she replied breathlessly. “What’s up with Simon?” I asked again. “Simon is dead.” She whispered and began weeping and was on her knees when I held her and hugged her while she rocked back and forth while sobbing. “He’s dead.” She said that again and cried again and I kept holding her not knowing what else to do.
“I am sorry.” I told her. I never knew she could feel something for that mundane. I heard footsteps before looking up at Clary who looked at us and declared, “I’ll accept Raphael’s offer.” I didn’t know what she was talking about but it must be horrible because Izzy looked at her with sympathy and shock and asked her to think twice.
“Simon is better undead than dead.” She said, her voice breaking. “You are ready to make him a vampire? Clary, many would disagree. Simon would be better off gone than a vampire.” I tried to convince her and she sobbed again while looking at me with all the hatred. “I am sorry but you would damn Simon’s life. He would never be normal again.” I tried once again. “He is right Clary. You don’t know anything about vampires.” Izzy added
“I’ve decided. I want my best friend back and I don’t care about anything else.” She snapped at both of us and went downstairs to where Simon’s body might be lying lifeless. Izzy got up and left to go to her room and I followed Clary to see Simon’s dead body lying on a wooden bench while Jace stood across the door talking to the Vampire called Raphael. Clary went up to Simon’s dead body and brushed away his sweaty hairs from his forehead and apologized to him.
Simon was as cold as ice when I and Jace picked him up to take him to the graveyard as Raphael told us. In the way he explained that Simon was bitten by a vampire that urged him to go the vampires as it felt like home to him and Simon couldn’t fight the urge so he came and Raphael found him almost dead while the other vampires surrounded him drinking his blood. He convinced those vampires and drank some of his blood at last and gave him his some of his own.
All that was needed now was to burry Simon and he would be made alive only if he is worth it which means he would have to tear the grave from inside and break out of it. Simon was made a vampire overnight and Raphael became his sire, the Vampire who suck his blood and gave him his own to make him a vampire.
It might be horrific but more horrible was the sight of Simon lunging for Clary after he got out of his grave. Izzy was nowhere there. Jace held weeping Clary through it and I stood by Jace while Raphael did all the work. Just as Simon broke out he was given lots of blood by Raphael and I was sick at the sight of him finishing it in single gulp. I came back into my room and threw up as soon as I was in front of my toilet. No one knew I could feel this, not even Izzy. They would never know, they don’t have to. I have to be tough and emotionless because emotions are nothing but distractions and when I’m alone, that is the only time I could let myself get distracted. The only time I could let myself feel.

Magnus’ P.O.V
I didn’t know for sure but I felt something was up with Alec. I called Isabelle and she told me what happened to Simon and I guessed that Alec must be feeling sick to his stomach on seeing Simon being turned into a vampire.
I wanted to go to the Institute in which I was not allowed but I still wanted to see Alec. I asked Isabelle to send Alec to me somehow. In the evening the entire group was here. “Magnus we need a little favour.” Clary came in with the rest of them behind her. Isabelle smirked at me while I stared at Alec who was finding the carpet much more interesting.
I tear my gaze from him to look at Clary and told her “You won’t be coming here for every little problem once I start charging you.” I smiled at Alec, “You people are lucky I won’t.” Clary looked back at Alec with raised eyebrows and turned back to me, “Thank you Magnus now can you portal us to Jade Wolf restaurant. We need to meet Luke.”
“What is going on?” I asked Clary, “Simon’s been turned into a vampire and Luke needs to know. He has been like a dad to both of us.” She explained and I nodded in agreement and thought about Jade wolf’s gate and made a portal there. “Only three can go.” I smirked because I knew who would stay. “Why?” to my surprise it was Alec who asked. “I’ve been working on things lately and I’m mostly drained and every passing person would take a toll on me and only three can safely reach there.” I lied smoothly.
“Can you stay Alec?” Isabelle asked him and he nodded. I tried to hide my grin. They stepped through the portal and I immediately closed it behind them panting a little. “How have you been Alexander?” I asked him and he smiled slightly at me with a nod and turned to the couch and sat there completely alert. I rolled my eyes and walked to him to sit across him on another couch. “What happened to Simon?” and he looked at me with a stone face. “I don’t know and I’m not sure if I want to either.” He told me
“Of course you don’t want to.” I smiled at him reassuringly. He seemed to relax a little, just slightly and he looked at the floor while I stared at him and told him without thinking twice. “I know you weren’t well last night.” And he looked up at me slowly, very slowly. “It’s fine to have feelings Alec. But it’s not fine at all to supress them and pretend that you feel nothing while they destroy you from inside.” I added and regretted immediately. “It was my responsibility Magnus, I should have protected that mundane and I do feel sick for not doing so because I was distracted and I feel sick for that too.” He snapped at me.
I was too startled to know what I was saying but I just blurted out, “Isabelle has been with downworlders Alec, and Jace is in love with Clary whether you admit it or not then what are you so afraid of?” He was alert all over again and stood up immediately and said coldly, “it’s not about being afraid, Izzy and Jace are my responsibility too and I can’t get distracted anymore.” He started to leave, “Alec, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” I stared at him when he replied with “Don’t bother.” and left.
I turned to pour the wine in a glass and slumped into the couch where Alec was sitting minutes ago and felt his warmth still there. I sipped from my wine while I thought about my ex and late lovers. No, none of them were this hard to get. No one I wanted this much. Regnor used to say “Someday someone will come along who will tear down those walls you’ve built around your heart and when that love comes back to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it.” And that was when I decided I would not back off till there is no other choice. That I will fight for Alec, and I will fight by his side after I have him. He was worth it. In fact, he was worth so much more.

Alec’s P.O.V
I had no idea about how he knew what I was feeling. Something no one should know. Izzy never knew the times I was sick to my stomach either. She didn’t know how terrified I was to find Simon dead. Magnus did somehow. I knew from the way he looked at me that he did. He knew I was not fine. I didn’t know really but maybe that was some kind of bond between us that let him know.
That kind of bond was only between a parabatai but Jace never knew it either. It was something even stronger. Was that even possible? Was Magnus really serious for me or was it just a guess gone right and he was just trying to flirt? I was walking while thinking about it and I found myself in the middle of a bridge of Brooklyn, staring into the night at the stars.
What if I did let Jace go? What if I do let Magnus have me? I could lose everything. Was he worth it? Would he give up on me if I keep pushing him away? Thoughts and thoughts came to mind one after another and I kept standing there for what seemed to be a very long time.

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