Chapter 8

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The Decision

Alec’s P.O.V
The evening turned into night while I just stood there staring at my rune like an idiot. I wasn’t going back to him again, I decided. Not at least until that rune fades away into nothing. I wasn’t sure if that could even happen but it had to. I cannot have Magnus Bane and there were millions of reasons for that. However, I couldn’t push away the thought of him from my mind; His words, his touch, his breath, his laughter, everything. I was called back to institute an hour later.
Izzy met me outdoors and before I could’ve said anything she came up to me, “What is up with you Alec?” she almost screamed at me “You’ve been off to some unknown places, not picking up calls and do you have any idea how worried sick I can get because of that?” she sighed and I just stood there staring at her. “My rune Izzy.” I breathed after what seem to me like hours. “What?” she looked at me, confused. “My love rune.” I whispered again and I heard a gasp before I was being pulled to somewhere I had no idea about.

Magnus’ P.O.V
It was late at night when I heard a knock at the door. My heart stopped beating, or so I felt. Alexander. He was here. I got up faster than light and opened up the door to find Regnor standing with a bottle of Champaign in his hand. I felt a little disappointed but also glad to have someone I can talk to about Alec. I trusted Regnor’s advices and he seem to be happy to hear me out almost all the time.
“Magnus! My dear old friend. How I missed you all this time.” he hugged me. I held on to him so tight it felt like I would crush him and he choked before he pulled away with concern, “Magnus! What’s wrong?” he asked and I realized I was crying as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wiped it off immediately summoning two glasses to fill with the Champaign he brought me. I gulped down mine and Regnor kept quite while sipping from his own glass.
“There is this boy I met recently. He is Maryse’s son, Alexander…” I filled Regnor in with everything that happened in the past few days and how I desire this young shadowhunter and how I crave his little touch and Regnor listened to it very carefully. “He must be your soul mate Magnus.” Was what he said at the end. “That’s what I thought.” I sighed

Alec’s P.O.V
We were in Izzy’s bedroom. “You cannot be serious!” Izzy exclaimed at the end when I told her about my rune and what Magnus said earlier. “Alec, Magnus is right, you have to live too. You’re not responsible for everything that happens to the lightwoods.” I don’t remember the last time Izzy being this serious so I just kept quiet and listened to everything she had to say. “Magnus is the one for you Alec and you don’t have to be afraid of this. You’re not the only one, there are others like you. You don’t have to marry a girl and destroy your whole life for the sake of lightwoods’ name and respect when you have someone like Magnus caring for you.”
“Izzy this will not work out. It must be a mistake. Magnus is a downworlder and a ‘guy’ as a matter of fact. I can lose everything because of this.” Izzy sighed “you won’t lose me or Jace, we will always be by your side. You will have Magnus with you. And as much as I know our parents, father won’t be a huge problem, mother will also forgive you soon. The only problem is clave and that is what you have to decide. Being with Magnus is worth losing the support of clave or not?” she looked at me with expecting eyes.
“I-, I don’t know Izzy.” I lied. Of course it was worth it but the rest wasn’t that simple. Mother will not be happy about it and I don’t know how she will react. Jace would know I am…well, not straight and Father will be ashamed of me as usual. I wasn’t sure if being with Magnus was worth facing my parent’s rage and letting Jace know my deepest secret. Izzy sighed and was about to say something when an alarm sounded.

Magnus’ P.O.V
“Magnus Bane?” said a familiar voice. It was Maryse and I was terrified of her for the first time but I kept my voice steady somehow “Maryse? Am I right?” “Yes” the reply was urgent and it meant she still didn’t find out my feelings for her son. It disappointed me a little but I asked “How may I serve you?” in my usual warlock-ready-to-get-paid voice. “We need you to portal us to Idris, immediately. The wards are down and there is a demon attack being planned to bring down Idris. We got the information from our spies and they also informed us that if we don’t hurry we will lose Idris as the attack will be soon.” I felt the ground slipping from beneath me.
“When?” I asked and she replied “Right now.” And I corrected myself, “No, I mean when will be the attack?” and the urgency in her voice grew “The time wasn’t specified so that the spies won’t get all the information but the shadowhunters with Valentine and Demons are ready so we don’t have much time.” “I’m on my way.” I assured her and left for the institute.

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