Chapter 4

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Magnus' Apartment

Alec's P.O.V

When Magnus was leaving, Clary tried to grab him and got hold of a button from his jacket. Jace planned to track him using it so he needed to concentrate. I and Jace came out of the club. We were followed by Clary and Izzy. He activated his tracking rune using his stele and tried to focus but failed.

"I can't do it alone. Magnus must be blocking it somehow. Alec, Come on." Jace looked at me and I immediately moved to him. I activated my rune as well and we wrapped our hands around each other's with that button in between. This was my only favourite thing about being his parabatai, Parabatai tracking. It was stronger than normal tracking and it was the only thing that got me closest to him while looking into his eyes.

While we were tracking, all others sounds were blocked but I thought I heard Clary say "It looks really intimate if you ask me." And Izzy replying with "You don't know the half of it." just then Jace was not in front of me anymore. I was now looking at flat. It was just like the normal apartment but there was something setting it apart, somehow. I went in through a wooden, polished, door and all I could see now was Magnus along with few warlocks and it looked like he was healing one of them. Just then Jace backed away saying "found him" and I went over to Izzy.

She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes "It's not like I'm tracking with him for the first time Izzy, stop making that face." I hissed at her quietly. She chuckled at that and followed Jace and Clary. And I followed her.

Magnus' P.O.V

I got out of the club but there were downworlders at the party who were informed immediately about what was happening and they left as quickly as they could. Some of the warlocks came to me and informed me that warlocks were especially getting hurt. I figured it out in a heartbeat that Valentine must have known that it was a warlock's Magic that had Jocelyn unconscious, and it was only a warlock that could wake her up.

He was now hunting the warlocks and I was now needed to save them as the high warlock of Brooklyn and I told those warlocks to let every warlock know that my house is open for those who could make it till here and I would be happy to aid and protect them. Warlocks started portalling in my house in 5 minutes, some hurt, some carrying the hurt ones and some to help me aid them. And I started healing the badly hurt ones, rest were taken care of by the other warlocks.

Alec's P.O.V

We arrived at Magnus' place sooner than I thought we would as we slowed down to save a warlock kid in our way. Her father was dead and she was weeping at his side. She was unaware of one of Valentine's shadowhunters approaching her to kill her from behind but Clary got to him first, she attacked him from behind and saved the little girl. We got her to Magnus and he welcomed her with all the kindness.

"We need your help Magnus." Clary almost begged him. "Come with me." Was all he said and walked out of the full of warlocks. Half of them were hurt and rest were healing them. All of us followed him to the room just next to it. It was smaller than the last one and much more decorated in his style. I didn't notice the details but everything was filled with glitter. The downworlder himself felt like shedding glitter in his trail.

Magnus' P.O.V

I couldn't believe my eyes when they showed up at my apartment with that little warlock girl. Clary asked for my help again and I knew they would come to me but I wasn't sure that it would happen so soon. I led them to the lounge and I looked at Alec who was standing near Clary and was looking at Jace and just a second later caught me staring at him so I turned to his sister. I just remembered her name was Isabelle.

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