Chapter 9

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The Big Day

Magnus’ P.O.V
I stood in the kitchen making dinner for me and Alec. I still remember the day when Alec first kissed me in front of everyone. He sure knew how to make a statement. I smiled to myself at the thought. The little battle we fought after that huge moment of my life felt like nothing. I smiled thinking about Alec hugging me before it started and we went together and fought by each other’s side. We protected each other and killed as one, more like parabatai, but the only difference was that I wasn’t a shadowhunter.
The battle wasn’t the end of problems. After the battle, Maryse and Robert, Alec’s parents were bigger problem for us. It was Isabelle and Jace who stood by us while his parents asked us to leave harshly. Alec sobbed in my arms that night at my home and I held on to him for hours comforting him and assuring him that it will be alright.
He spent a few days with me before Isabelle came back to take him to the institute. She told Alec that his parents were convinced by her and the blond shadowhunter and even biscuit, by which I mean Clary. They were furious that everything happened in front of the respected members of the clave but the three kids talked to them through it and made them accept Alec as who he was. I was happy more than anything to see Alec thrilled at the news.
I won’t lie that I wasn’t a little sad that he won’t live with me anymore but maybe someday he will move in.

Alec’s P.O.V
There was a hiss behind me and I snapped my head back immediately to find the demon trailing towards me, and I shot the arrow in a heartbeat turning it into ashes. Every time I fought demons, it reminded me of the day I kissed Magnus for the first time. It reminded me of us fighting together just like parabatai. We were perfect together.
My parents didn’t accept me at first and told me to get lost from the institute and never to return. Izzy, Jace and, to my surprise, Clary talked to them for me and they were convinced to accept how I am and then I returned to the Institute when Izzy, herself, came to take me home as I was spending those days at Magnus’. I got back to find my Mother and Father outside the institute to welcome me back and they embraced me with sobs and tears of joy.
Days passed quickly then. I could go to Magnus’ whenever I wanted to without the fear of getting caught or being embarrassed. Everything was perfect. The whole life of killing demons and following the rules of the clave resulted in this day that brought me what seemed to be “un-ending happiness”. A year has passed of Magnus and Me being together and I am loved by him more than I was loved by anyone and I love him more than anything I loved. Yeah, I was jealous of his past, and the amount of people he’s been with, which was seventeen thousand. He told me about it on our first date and I was stunned and ready to leave him but I couldn’t.
I wanted to be the special one, and I was for him. He told me that on one of our many dates as well. He told me that Shadowhunters love once, and warlocks find their true soul mate once as well. He explained to me about the click that I felt within me when I first saw him. He told me that he felt that twice, and the first time was when I was born. He told me that I was his soul mate and the love of his life like he was mine. He also told me that if he will lose me, he will not be able to love anyone else, and nor would I be.

Magnus’ P.O.V
And when I told him that we will not love anyone else ever again, his jealousy for my past lovers vanished as if it never existed. I decided something the last week. Alexander told me that he will be off to Idris for a mission today and he will be back by dinner but won’t have lunch with me so I chose this moment to do what I decided. This dinner would be the perfect occasion.
Brooklyn looked beautiful from my balcony. The dinner can be held in front of it. I made the wooden table appear in front of the balcony with two chairs across from each other at each end of the table. A white cloth covering the table, a bunch of roses in a glass vase in the middle of it and candles lit up on each side of the vase. Perfect! I remarked myself and just on time there was a knock on the door.

Alec’s P.O.V
I was tired and I wanted to go straight to bed but a promise is a promise so I will have dinner with Magnus first. I yawned and stretched as I approached the door to Magnus’ apartment and normally I would just walk in but today the door was locked so I knocked.
There was a click and the door opened and the sight of Magnus took my breath away. He looked much more lightened; and by lightened I mean he used much more glitter. There were rings around his fingers that he usually wore on special occasions and his hairs were all done. Without thinking I leaned in to kiss his soft lips gently earning a groan of pleasure in return.
I pulled back with a little effort, not wanting to, as I just wanted to feel him for a while but I was a little hungry and I knew he would be starving as well. I came in and took off my jacket to hang on the coat rack and then I realized the table set for both of us in front of the balcony. “You made it?” I asked him, stunned at how perfect it looked. “Of course I did Alexander.” He came up behind me and squeezed my shoulders a little bit and I didn’t felt tired anymore. He led me to my chair and served me the dinner.
I told him each and everything about what happened in Idris and that how I missed him there as we had the delicious dinner he made. I wanted him to be there as well but now the wards were up again and the downworlders weren’t allowed. Even though, they were now on better terms with the shadowhunters. After I finished the dinner I got up and was about to tell him that I am going to bed and will be waiting for him there but before I could say anything he got up with me and walked around the table to come to stand in front of me. A second later he went down on his knee and spoke,
“Alexander, the first time I saw you from across the room, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I felt the connection standing there and saw you feel it too and the way you looked at me, nothing was more beautiful than that sight. I decided the day you kissed me the first time and the day you told me that you were in love with me and showed me that rune, I decided it then, that I wanted to give you my heart, my soul, my past, my future and my everything. I want to spend my future with you if you want to. If you want ‘me’. So will you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, marry me, Magnus Bane?”
I wasn’t sure if I was breathing when he took out the ring from his pocket and proposed. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears and I realized it then that I was crying. By the Angel, I sometimes felt I would be better off as a girl. I grabbed Magnus from the front of his glitter-shedding-jacket and made him stand and kissed him with everything I had. He had his hands around my waist to pull my closer and kiss me harder and also to keep me steady. It was a long and passionate kiss and I as I pulled off Magnus grinned “I take it as a yes then.” And I kissed him again. “Of course it is.” I groaned between our kisses.
I know this one's a lil bit shorter but it's one of the chapters I'm satisfied with. I would love to have feedback on this one.

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