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before i could even finish the word I'm about to say, I quickly turn around and face the door instead.

"Who are you?!" the guy behind me yelled while trying to cover himself with the blankets on the bed...and the girl as well.

"This is my room....I think?" I got a little intimidated as the last words came out as a mumble.

"What room are you talking about?! This is 1012! Get out!" as he said those, I quickly ran off that place.

Ew, I'm so disgusted. 

The thought of me getting inside a wrong room with a man hovering over a girl while having their somewhat good time, makes me want to puke. Well, don't blame me their room wasn't even locked.

I let out a long sigh as I try to search room 1013.

a/n: see what i did? ;)

As soon as my eyes laid on the large door, I fetch my keys on my pocket and try to open the door.

I was surprised to I find it unlocked, again. I twist the knob and got inside.

And there it is again, me looking back, eyes wide and gasping for air, facing the door as this man was about to take off his shirt. And I was sure he heard me.

"Oh hi there, you can face me now, I'm still definitely wearing my shirt." he assured me and I was slowly turning my body to face him.

"Um, hi? If I'm not mistaken, is this room 1013? Because I swear if not, I'm gonna fly back to Korea and I will definitel—" I stopped when I realized that I'm talking to Park fucking Jimin.

"It's you again."


a/n: i know you might be expecting this but anyway sorry for not updating lately...but I appreciated the 1k reads, bye.


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