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"Owieeee" I squeal as Ben throws a paper ball at me.

"Focus" Sam orders

"We've been writing songs for hours" I whine

"Well if you'd pitch in some ideas" James suggests

"You have a whole goddamn notebook of lyrics" Danny points out

"That you can't use" I retort

"It might go a whole lot faster" Ben nods

"Wait where are you going?" Sam asks

"News flash. Princesses have to pee" I say pushing myself off the floor of the bus. I pass the bathroom and just go outside to the venue lot. I wish I had a coffee right now. With a few splashes of vodka. God. Ben keeps flirting with me and I'm sick if it.

"Kayla" Ben exclaims making me lose balance and fall into his arms

"God. What the hell" I scramble away

He takes a step towards me and I take one back and we continue this pattern whilst talking.

"You ran off"

"For some smokes"

"You said bathroom break so unless your a dog..."

"Sod off" I say it hitting a brick wall, no where left to go. Ben gets close but doesn't close the gap. "I'm not in the mood"

"I don't want to fuck you" Ben sighs

"Don't you boys win something for making me unable to walk?"

"Yeah. But not right now" Ben waves me off

"Then can we go back?" I whine


"Fuckin hell ben" I push past him.

"Wait! Sam and I share a flat together. Do you want to stay? we get off tour in a week" he asks sounding like he was going to say something else but changed his mind last minute

"I suppose" I sigh continuing to walk back to the bus. I bite my lip, god his accent turns me on. But it's that Tim's of the month making me a tad hornier than normal. The bus was about to leave for the Denver so we jump on and I slide into Sams bunk

"What's wrong?" I notice instantly

"Nothing" he shakes his head.

"Come on Sammy" I giggle poking his sides "what's wrong"

He sighs turning to face me. "I broke up with my girlfriend today"

"What?" I exclaim "why?"

"She cheated on me with some guy"

"I'm sorry" I rub his shoulder

He shrugs. "It was going to happen eventually. She was bitchy and I couldn't see myself marrying her".

I nod not really understanding but just being comforting.

"You ran off" Sam says

"Yeah. Need air I guess"

"You wanted to fuck someone but you can't can you"

"Shut up" I playfully hit him

"Come on. We're not stupid. We know. We actually mark it down on a calendar we hide from you so we know to lock our bunks and buy you chocolate"

"You can't lock bunks. They're just curtains." I laugh

He kisses my forehead. "Sleep little sis."

"Ewwww Sammy cooties" I joke nuzzling into his chest. I love Sam like a brother. It's the best thing in the world.

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