Awkward plushie w/ Ben X neko! shapeshifter! reader

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You were born as a sweet little Neko. Your lime coloured hair complimented your bright green orbs. You were fortunately a member of the Slender family. He thought you to be a great helper as you were a born shapeshifter. You skills helped them in various ways.

So you were great friends with some of the pastas in the Mansion. Ben counted as top. But you noticed that, he has been acting kind of weird recently. He doesn't talk to you that often. When he does, he just stutters.  You also think that he's trying to keep you away from his room. Before, you both had late night talks in his room. But now he just ignores you, well at least you think that.

You wanted so badly to ask him what happened but doubted yourself many times. What if he hates you? What if he doesn't want to be your friend? What if he wants you out of his life? You didn't know what to do....

You were walking in corridor of the bedrooms when you saw Ben come out of his room while holding something. You didn't know what it was.

You- Hey Ben.

He jumped in shock and turned around while throwing the thing, he was holding, inside his room and slamming the door afterwards. He acted like nothing happened.

B- H-hey! Y/N! How y-you doin?

You kinda sighed and decided to open up to him.

Y- Why're you acting like this, Ben?

B- A-acting like what?

Y- Like we're strangers.... I hate seeing us like this.... We were such a good friend before. But now you seem like you don't even know me.... And keep on ignoring me.... Did I do something wrong?...

B- Y/N! Y-you don't have to think any if that! We're still friends!

Y- Yeah sure we are. I don't know how you call this a friendship. If you don't want me to be your friend, just tell me! I'll move away from your life. But pls don't make me under like this.

B- Y/N.... I'm so sorry that you feel like this. B-but I swear, I'll change....

Y- Don't you not recall how much fun we had before? Did you forget all that?

B- No.... I do recall them.... And I want to have more.... But....

You huffed and opened the door to his room.

B- Y/N! NO!

Y- Just see this room and recall! We had s- what.....

You were kinda interested to see a plushie, that looked exactly like you sitting on his bed. You slowly went towards it and picked it up while observing it.


B- I know this looks weird! But let me explain!

Y- Pls do.

B- I.....actually have....a....small....crush on you....

You were shocked to hear his confess but tried your best to keep a straight face. You raised your eyebrow.

Y- Small?

B- Well....a big one actually.....

Y- It still didn't explain this plushie.

B- I...practiced my confession on it... Like~ I thought if I try to say it over and over again to your replica, I hoped I'll get better at it.....sorry....

You giggled at his innocence.

Y- You really did that?

He slowly nodded. You went by him while kissing his cheeks.

Y- That's adorable. But don't it now, eh? Cause it'll be useless, now that I'll be with you forever.

You both laughed as he nodded.

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