Chapter 1

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I DON'T own miraculous ladybug.

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Adrien was sitting in his room after his piano lesson.

He was thinking about asking his father something. Should I ask him? No, he'll definitely say no. Or maybe he'll say yes?

Those questions kept running through his mind for the next few minutes, wondering if he should ask his father.

At around three, he started finding the confidence to ask his father.

"All right, I'll ask him. I'll ask him, I'll ask him," he said, pacing around the room.

When he was going to leave his room, Natalie came in.

She said, "Adrien, your father wants to speak with you for a moment".

He was ecstatic, this was the perfect chance to ask his father!

Now, he was outside his father's office. Gathering his courage, he knocked on the door.

"Come in Adrien," he heard.

He took a seat.

"Listen Father, I want to got to school."

"You're going to school."

They said it at the same.

Adrien was excited, Gabriel was surprised Adrien wanted to go to school.

"Well, it seems like our interests are the same. Be ready by 7, and Natalie will give you your schedule."

And with that, he was off.

He spent the walk to his room thinking about the next day. Will he make friends? Will he meet a cute girl? He doesn't know yet.

The next day, when he got to his first class, he groaned.

He saw Chloe.

She was putting gum on someone's seat.

"Adrikins, you're here!"

"Chloe! What are you doing," he said, angered.

She didn't speak, he walked over to the desk to get the gum.

Behind him, a girl walked into class.  She yelled at him for putting gum in her seat. He tried to explain, but she didn't believe him. .

He decided to go sit. He found this boy, Nino, and he seemed to want to be his friend. He was happy, because Nino would be his first friend.

The rest of the day, he tried to reason with Marinette. Unfortunately, she wouldn't give him the time of day.

At the end of the day, it was raining. Adrien handed his umbrella to Marinette, and explained.

From then on, the were friends.

A few months later, he found a letter in a library book. He was reading a book on fashion during lunch, and he found a letter.

Dear whoever it may concern,

I want to write letters. I want this to be a sort of diary. I want to write about my troubles, and other things. If you want to reply, put a letter in this book. If you don't, just read, or throw these away.

Today, it was awful. A girl was being really cruel. She spilled her drink on me at lunch, and then she called me awful comments. She called me dumb, slut, ugly, and even worse words.

Today, I also tripped a total of ten times.  Everyone was laughing at me, and I had no help. My best friend wasn't in that class. I ran from class, into the restroom. I spent the rest of the period crying in the restroom.

I just don't know what to do. You know? No, of course you don't. Please help.



He was surprised. The letter itself was beautiful, a red ladybug seal, and beautiful script. The note itself though, he was surprised how someone who sounded so amazing could be so sad.

He wanted to write a letter.

After much thinking, he finally wrote a good letter.

Dear Ladybug,

I don't know who hurt you, or what exactly they said, but they're wrong. You sound, and probably look, beautiful. I wouldn't doubt it for a moment.

Now, let me tell you about my day.

This morning, I ate by myself, per usual. My father didn't come, nor did he talk to me. I usually don't get to see him. After my mom went missing, he's been that way. We never really talked. I was homeschooled up until a few months ago. I'm still having trouble getting used to this. There is this one girl who just won't take a hint. We were childhood "friends", though I don't think that was what it was. She still likes me, though I have no interest. She is pretty mean to my friends, her own (One friend), and everyone else.

I don't claim to understand you, but I realize life has dealt both of us a hard hand. I hope that we can continue messaging.


       Chat Noir

He used a seal that looked like a black cat, and put the letter in the book.

Ever since then, letters were sent back and forth via book.

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