Chapter 9

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"C' mon girl, it wasn't that bad, " Alya stated.

"Not that bad, not that bad! Alya, I made a total fool of myself!"

Currently, Marinette was pacing around her room, and Alya was trying to stop her from ripping her hair out.

"And I just stared at him and stuttered the whole time!"

"Girl, didn't he do that too?"

"Wait what?"

"Tikki told me since you seem so intent on not telling me what he did."

"Wait, he did the same thing?"

"Yup, bet you're pretty happy about that."

Marinette sighed, then her heart stopped for a moment, "Wait, but what if he was lusting after me because I looked pretty?"

"Firstly, Adrien isn't that kind of guy. Second, you were gorgeous, not pretty."

That didn't really do anything to soothe her nerves. She was still as anxious as ever.

"Mari, you know you're acting like a lovesick teen, right?"

"W-well, it's not my fault I love Adrien so much, " she crossed her arms.

"Aha! She admits it! So, you still like him!"

Marinette's eyes widened, she didn't mean to say that.

"Uh oh."

She knew Alya was going to bombard her with questions and "I told you so's".

She wasn't anxious about that in the least.

After about half an hour of torturous questioning, Alya finally left, saying " she wanted to talk to Nino".

Marinette sighed, finally free of Alya for the day.

Sure, she loved the girl, but it gets too hard to talk to her at times.

Now, she was wondering what to do with her newfound freedom.

She certainly wasn't used to this. She always had to do chores and make food for him. She could only enjoy her time in America for 3 years before he came.

She couldn't even bear saying his name anymore, let alone live with him.

She sighed again, it seemed all she wanted to do was sigh.

She was shit, that much she was sure of. Or was she?

Again, she sighed. Over time, things did not get better. If anything, the gaping pain in her heart got worse.

The only thing that got her through it was....... the letters.

The letters!

How could she have forgotten? She didn't even read the letters once in that past week!

God, she had gone a week without thinking of her stupid cat.

Not yours, her mind berated.

Of course, by now, that cat probably has a girlfriend, maybe a wife, or even some kids!

She teared up, if only she had taken that chance, if only they had met.

If she wasn't so insecure and in love with Adrien then maybe she would have just TAKEN THE DAMN CHANCE!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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