Chapter 8

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I DON'T own miraculous ladybug.

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The drive to the coffee shop took 15 minutes, and Adrien couldn't wait to get there.

Even though he was driving, his mind swirled with thoughts.

Even the freedom of driving a car by himself didn't help. He normally didn't drive when getting to work, he was normally driven, but, since he wasn't working, he could drive.

Usually, he loves the feeling of the wind in his wild mane, the wind through his clothes, and the feeling of freedom. But he couldn't pay enough attention.

Would she think I look nice?

He wore a simple white tee shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. So, he was worried she wouldn't like his simple outfit.

He didn't understand why he was worried. He didn't have a crush on her, did he? No.

But why else would he invite her for something that is clearly a date?

He signed, his conflicting emotions were getting the better of him.

He remembered a letter Ladybug had once sent. It certainly fits into his situation.

Dear Chaton,

  Recently, the brother of one of my classmates transferred here. Normally, it wouldn't be so weird, but I'm developing feelings for him. I was conflicted, he was so sweet and mysterious, but my crush was kind and generous. He liked me, but I also liked my crush too. I had no idea what could be done. It was clear that my crush didn't like me, but I didn't want to give up, so I asked a friend, Tikki. She told me to follow my heart. So that's what I decided to do. I decided to choose my first crush, I just couldn't give up. So if something similar happens to you, follow your heart.


He smiled. When he first read it, he didn't think he would ever have conflicting emotions, since he only loved Ladybug, oh how wrong he was.

He also thought about how stupid her crush was since he didn't like LB. But that wasn't the point.

Eventually, surprised he didn't crash, he made it to the coffee shop.

He parked the car and he opened the door. The shop was modest at best. It was fairly new and popular.

It was brown and the top of the door had one of those cover things that were white and brown. On top of the door, the name of the shop was Coffee 'n Donuts. It also had a picture of a mug of coffee with a spoon in it.

He smiled, he had helped this shop gain publicity after he was seen at the grand opening. Since then, he was given a discount. Of course, his friend, Plagg, owned the shop, along with Tikki, and he wouldn't give him free drinks.

Tikki only just managed to convince that Camembert loving cat. It was actually a running joke between them since Plagg loved cheese and he acted like a cat.

He opened the door, and he didn't see Marinette. He realized that he was 15 minutes early though, so he decided to wait.

He spent most of that time contemplating whether he likes Marinette or not.

Does he like her? She is a sweet girl, and she has been so kind to him. She was even one of his first friends in College.

He didn't know what to feel. She was such a great friend, and he felt that, with time, something could bloom between them.

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