Chapter 2

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I DON'T own miraculous ladybug.

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It was junior year when they first met, and since then they sent each other countless letters. They talked about their troubles, days, or what they liked.

They were the type of friends that knew each other for a few months, but it was like they knew each other for years.

Eventually, Adrien fell in love with her. He loved the sweet, kind, smart, creative, and (Probably) beautiful behind the letters. He was so in love, he was convinced they were soulmates.

Unfortunately, Ladybug A.K.A. Marinette only thought of him as a friend. Even with his endless puns and flirting, she didn't think much of it. “Just a cat playing around,” she thought.

Though she didn't have her eyes set on Chat Noir, she had them on Adrien. Whom, coincidentally is Chat Noir. She was in love with him because he was kind, gentle, sweet, considerate, respectful, and responsible. Him being rich and handsome was only a bonus.

Though, they didn't think the other liked them back.

Then came that fateful note at the end if senior year.

It was a few weeks before the last day, and Adrien went to get Ladybug's letter from the book they communicate with.

Dear Chat Noir,

There is something I need to tell you. I made it into a fashion school.

I know you’re happy for me, but going to fashion school means I need to leave. It's a really good school, and it is the best in the country. I'll going on a scholarship.  If I don't go then I will ruin my chances at being a fashion designer.

I’m going to leave the day of graduation, but that means we can't message because I'll be very busy.

I want you to know that you are one of my best friends ever. You are the only one I ever tell everything to, no matter how big or small. I'll miss you, a lot. I hope, one day, we meet again, in person.



Adrien was shocked. Ladybug was going to leave! He loved her, yet he hasn't said anything about it. He doesn't know what to do, he wants to tell her how he feels, but also not tell her.

He made up his mind and started writing a letter.

Dear Ladybug,

I can’t believe you’re leaving. You didn't even tell me beforehand. I can't believe you’re going to fashion school.  I'm purrfectly proud that My Lady is going, but that means we can't lend letters.

I'm really going to hate that. I want you to follow your dreams, and I know you have to sacrifice somethings, it's just I don't want you to leave me.

What I need to say is- no never mind. It’s no use anyways, but I'll miss you M'lady. A lot actually


        Chat Noir

It broke his heart that she had to leave. He loved her, but didn't tell her. He knew he'd regret it, but he didn't care. He was heartbroken.

He didn't know what to do anymore. He was so, so used to talking and thinking about her. He's known her for nearly the whole time in school.

He broke down. There, in the back of the library, was a crying boy, holding a book on fashion.

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