Chapter 18: Stalling

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A/N  So so so so sorry for the long wait. I had a huge group project due, and we ended up getting 1st place, so that's good (we got Six Flags tickets). I really had no time to work on this story with school work and extra curricular activities. But I have an update now! And I hope you enjoy. It's a little short, but the next chapter will be longer. On another note, we almost have 5k views!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who had every read this story!!!!

Under London

SPYDER's headquarters

1415 hours (15 minutes after the kidnapping of the Queen)

April 2

Erica resumed holding my hand, much to my surprise. Usually she only had willing human contact during class when she was beating someone up, or using me to further a mission.

Although, she had kissed me when she thought we were about to die. I was pretty sure we were about to die, and it would make sense that Erica would think so too. So, that might explain the hand-holding.

I was looking at Mr. E, looking for any opening to delay our deaths. Beside me, Erica was doing the same thing. Though it seemed like she was more successful than I, because suddenly her posture straitened the tiniest bit.

Mr. E noticed this too.

"Spit it out." he said. "It's not like you know anything important."

I scoffed. He obviously didn't know that we had figured out his plans.

"Well." I said. "We have figured out your plans."

Mr. E laughed, a loud, scary, maniacal laugh.

"There is no way that's possible." he said, raising his gun again.

"Yes, it is." Erica said, smugly.

"Well then. What are my plans, young one?" he said, humoring Erica. That was a bad move.

Her eyes narrowed, and ice radiated off her, dropping the temperature in the tunnels.

"Honestly, it wasn't even that hard." Erica said, trying to get under Mr. E's skin, and succeeding.

He screamed, and threw a vase of flowers at the wall. Yup, definitely insane.

"You are kidnapping the Queen, and going to ransom her off because you lost a ton of your money. Then you are going to take control of the English Government." I said, trying to calm Mr. E down.

That didn't work either. He screamed again, and this time picked up the table that the vase had been on and smashed it with his foot. Then he beat the wall with the remains.

Erica had this small smirk on her face the whole time, which I couldn't understand, because we were at the end of a gunpoint. But then I realized we were doing a pretty good job at stalling, and Cyrus should be here any minute.

Then, Mr. E's attitude changed in a fraction of a second. HE was now impressed, like Murray usually was. But there was still un-stability mixed with awe in his eyes. It was like staring into the eyes of a paparazzi reporter. Unpredictable and dangerous.

"Well done, Ben!" he said, his voice just the tiniest bit strained. "Obviously, Miss Hale here helped you a ton, but it was your brain that made the connection! I must say, Murray was not lying!"

"Er, thanks?" I said, not sure how to respond to that. I looked at Erica for guidance, but her eyes were gleaming. For a second, I was thrown. Why would Erica appreciate something this bad guy said?

Then it hit me. He had given her recognition. The recognition she deserved. Everyone had always made me out to be the guy that solved everything, but Erica was the reason I could find out those things, and the reason I wasn't dead. She deserved a lot more than she got. I knew that for a fact. And so did Mr. E.

Which was not good.

Erica shot me a glance, and seemed to read my mind. She gave me a fleeting smile, and a small shake of her head, signaling me she knew a) knew that Mr. E was trying to use this against us, and b) it wasn't going to work.

I nodded my head, and turned back to Mr. E. He seemed amused.

"What?" I asked. I couldn't help myself. Why did he switch emotions so quick?

"Well, Erica is called the Ice Queen, right?" he said, not asking for confirmation. It was just to help him explain.

"Yes." I said cautiously.

To be honest, I've always wondered what Erica thought of the nickname. If she didn't like it, she'd tell people to stop, right? If Erica told someone to do something, they did it, for their well-being. No one wanted to be in the hospital for a week.

Erica pursed her lips, and eyes became guarded. She didn't like the nickname.

Mr. E continued. "And she's told you she isn't ready for a relationship, and that you aren't either."

"Well, yes." I said, my ears burning. A hint of pink tinged Erica's cheeks.

"And she's told you she would sacrifice you to save the mission." he said.

"Yes." I said, more forcefully than necessary.

Mr. E didn't need to rub my pathetic crush in. It's not my fault I love her. Wait... did I just think that? Wow. Not that I've thought it, I knew it was true.

There was no saving me. I loved Erica. More than I should.

Mr. E wasn't done.

"But, on the other hand, and there's a huge other hand, mind you, Erica has also opened herself to you, more than to anyone else, besides her mom and grandfather. She has put her arm around her, held your hand, and looked you in the eyes longer than anyone else. She smiles at you. That's a lot, for Erica."

I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath, and I let it out. Mr. E didn't know what happened in Vail.

But apparently Mr. E had one more thing to say.

"And," he said, building the suspense, "She's kissed you."

Erica froze, her eyes narrowed, and she stopped breathing. She was stiller than a statue. It was as if Mr. E had frozen time.

I sucked in a ragged breath, stumbling backward in surprise.

It was Mr. E's turn to smirk.

"Thought that was a secret, did you? Well, I have to say, Josh was not very happy to hear that."

Erica's eyes went so wide, I thought they would fall out of her head.

I was angry. That was only Erica and my business.

Mr. E pretended not to notice, and went on, chuckling to himself.

"Really, Ben, you're so gullible. She obviously likes you!" he said. "That's why I was amused earlier. She likes you a lot, but you believe her when she says she doesn't like you. Then she smiles at you. She doesn't smile at anyone. See the puzzle pieces connecting?" he asked.

I was still flabbergasted. How did he know about that? Cyrus didn't even know about it.

I didn't say anything. Neither did Erica, who's eyes had returned to their natural size. Mr. E didn't break the silence.

Just then, three people came around the corner with a chair in between them. The person sitting in the chair was none other than the Queen of England herself.

The queen looked around, and said through her gag, "Erica Hale and Ben Ripley!"

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