Chapter 20: Death?

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A/N  Hello everyone! You get an early update because I have nothing to do his whole day, so yay! BTW, thanks so much for the 6k views! I am now checking everything on Microsoft Word so the grammar and spelling should be much better. Vote and comment!

A hallway in SPYDER's base

Underground London

Bleeding all over the floor

April 2

1435 hours

I blacked in and out every couple seconds. Cyrus ran after Mr. E when he bolted right after he shot me. Erica ran to me, and so did Catherine.

Mike and Zoe did too, but Catherine stopped them.

"Keep binding those agents." she said, indicating the people she had been binding before.

"But Ben got shot!" Mike yelled.

Hearing this, the Queen came around the corner.

"He got shot?" she asked, worried.

Then she saw me.

"Oh no!"

I tried to smile but found that it made my body feel like it was being burned. I stopped. Catherine reached me first and sucked in a breath.

"Does anyone have a sweater?" she asked.

Erica reached me next and reached for her utility belt.

"I have one!" Alexander said, kneeling beside me.

"Give it to me." Catherine said.

Alexander complied, handing the jacket to her.

"Ok. Ben, this will hurt a little bit." she said.

"Painkiller?" I grunted. I wanted a painkiller before Catherine executed anything.

"No, it's not a painkiller. Just hold still." Catherine said.

"I want... a painkiller." I forced out, my vision blurring in pain, turning my head to Erica. I knew she had to have something in that utility belt of hers.

"Of course." Catherine said. "Erica?"

"Ben, it's going to be ok." Erica spoke softly, but her voice broke and she didn't sound very sure. She took out a syringe and a bottle. She started to fill it, and then she sterilized a spot on my arm like they do at the doctors when they give you a shot.

"Wait, you need to proportionalize it with his weight." Alexander said.

"I know how much he weighs Dad." Erica said, annoyed, and inserted the syringe into my arm, and pushed down on the handle. I felt the painkiller flow down my arm because it was cold.

"How do you know how much he weighs?" Catherine asked.

"I'm a spy. It's my job to know things." Erica declared. "Ok. It's been a minute. The painkiller should kick in right about. . . . now."

Right when she said 'now', I felt the pain recede a little bit. Before, it was unbearable. Now, it was just barely bearable. However, it still felt like I was being roasted alive.

Catherine took Alexander's sweater and wrapped it around my chest. I howled in pain when she pressed down right on the spot where the bullet was.

"I'm sorry Ben." Catherine said, but she kept pressing down.

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