Chapter 5

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"Let's go then" she gets up and rushes to the lower deck with the rest of the soldiers followed by Leo.

Bridget quickly follows, "remember to find the Lieutenant!" Outside was storming and Godfrey had a megaphone with him so they can hear him over the pounding rain and roaring thunder.

"It's a little foggy out but quickly get into twenty groups of twenty and get on your boats. We'll get going right away! Go go go!" The Lieutenant screams.

Bridget followed his voice through the rain and dragged Leo with her. As he was being dragged he's admiring the waves and how intense they are. Bridget made it to the Lieutenant with Leo there. She noticed a few other soldiers behind him before they got onto their ships. Including George and James which gave her the 'oh come on' feel, plus fifteen more soldiers were behind the Lieutenant. The two boys weren't too happy to see Leo with Bridget like always.

Godfrey looked down at the two of them, "there you two are! Get behind me we'll be getting on shortly." The winds we're picking up and Bridget could barely see. After the soldiers in the group in front of them went on their boat and got lowered to the sea it was their turn to board.

"On we go, let's move," Godfrey gestured the rest of the men of his group to get on the boat before him. Leo gets on the boat all excited with Bridget following him close behind and so did the rest of the men. The Lieutenant got on shortly after and they were lowered to the ocean by the dragons on the ship who were completely unfazed by the weather conditions.

The boat was wet and the skies were dense, "careful out there, men!" He calls through the megaphone, "it is quite foggy. Just keep heading North West you will make it there."

Bridget was being lowered closer to the harsh tropical waters and she didn't like it. Thing is, she didn't quite know what could be under there. She held her hat to keep it from flying away with the wind and they eventually hit the water and got unhooked. One of the soldiers drove the boat with the Lieutenant standing over him. They followed the others North West through the fog. The area looked quite creepy and the waves made the boat a little tipsy. The ride made Bridget a bit nervous afraid they might tip over and die. Leo has his hands ready on his pistols but eventually unstraps his rifle and keeps a lookout for anything weird.

About a half hour in the ride, the rain and wind has subsided a bit making it easier to navigate and sail. The waves were still a bit rough but the rain went as heavy as a medium drizzle and the wind has subsided into a breeze. Low booms of thunder could be heard from above cloud level only instead of the occasional crashing of lightning. This helped Bridget calm down a bit.

Godfrey spoke over the intercom communicating easily with each boat, "everyone alright?"

Everyone else yelled, "AYE AYE SIR!" From their ships and the Lieutenant started calling each boat like a roll call.

Bridget didn't realize she was holding onto Leo's thigh the whole time with her free hand until she took it off and placed it on the boat railing. Leo didn't notice for he is still on the lookout for anything suspicious with his rifle in his right hand.

The fog got denser and a boat over the captain's intercom made a high pitched frequency noise until the soldier over the radio spoke, "captain we are receiving a strange figure on the radar."

"Probably just the dragon patrolling the waters, keep going." The Lieutenant said.

Bridget looked over the edge of the boat into the ocean and just stared to see if she can see anything. But The water was too deep and blue to be clear enough to see through. Leo is still being wary but since he heard that there was a strange figure on the radar, he gets a tighter grip on his rifle.

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