Chapter 10

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Morning came up and more birds started chirping instead of the crickets. Drax woke up and took a look around, the surroundings seemed still, "nice day.." he looked back and saw the others to see who was awake. Bridget was still asleep with Oreo and so was Godfrey. Leo was awake about 2 hours earlier than the others and decided to venture back into the building where he and drax should've died. He didn't find anything of much use but some keys that he deemed important.

Drax looked over at Leo and saw the keys he was holding, "what's that? And where'd you find em?"

"These, my good sir, are called keys," He waves them in front of him, "I found them in that weird building from last night and I thought they were important so I took them."

He shrugged, "doesn't hurt to scavenge. Want some breakfast?" He opened the car door and went to the trunk and grabbed Cottage Cheese and Peaches from the cooler hoping it was still good. He was stiff from sitting in the drivers seat in one position the whole time.

"Sure," Leo puts the keys in his pack and goes to the trunk for some food.

"Not much but it's enough to keep us going," he took a bite of the peach-cheese. He turned around and nearly tripped over a very small ceratopsian who chirped at them. It smelled the peaches from yards away and got hungry.

Leo whips out his glock, "I'm sorry little one but this food is for us."

"Hey hey hey calm down, man. You'd shoot an innocent herbivore but not the creatures who almost killed us last night?" Drax stood between the two.

"I could've but we were both pinned may I remind you but you indeed have a point" He holsters his glock and gives the little Dino a part of his peach.

The dinosaur was revealed to be a baby Homalocephale. It sniffed the peach in Leo's hand and gently took it in its beak then started to nibble it.

"I realize there's a lot of nests and babies around. Why is that?" Drax asked concerned.

"It's probably their mating season," he knelt down and attempts to pet the hatchling. The dino sniffed Leo's hand and even put its own hooves on him to look around for any more food.

"I'm going to pick it up," he said as he attempts to hold it hoping it won't run away.

"I'd be careful, man..." Drax said while looking around.

The baby only let him, confused as to what he was doing. It tilts his head and nibbles at its shoulder to get rid of an itch but Leo scratches its shoulders to help it instead.

"Look out, man!" Drax yelled as a bigger version of the baby came charging in and smacked into Leo's knee. It wasn't big enough to knock him over but he was big enough to be distinguished as the baby's parents. It snorted and snarled at Leo to drop the baby.

"Ok ok jeez, not my fault this thing is adorable," he put the baby down who ran to greet the parent. It scolded the baby a little before she walked away with it along with a group of others who ran through the bushes and trees ahead.

The car door slammed and out came the Lieutenant, "you guys ready to possibly, most likely, fall off a cliff?"

"Uh, what?" Drax said.

Godfrey grabbed a bagel and some cream cheese from the cooler and began to prepare it on the hood of the car not caring if it was muddy or not, "yeah. We're heading for the deadlands. Be warned, there are a lot of pteranodons there."

"That the silent P dinosaur? The ones that fly?" Drax asked.

Godfrey nodded, "they'll most likely swoop in for a meal, but! There is one we can trust."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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