Chapter 7

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Leo and Bridget were led by their new fellow companion, Oreo the Orodromeus into the deepest part of the jungle in hopes to look for some food. Bridget knows everything there must be larger than seen in the thickest of jungle vegetation.

"It still doesn't mean it's not dangerous," Leo piped up. "As far as I'm guessing everything is bigger than us except for infants."

Bridget shook her head, "even an infant dinosaur can tower over us depending on the animal," she kept looking around. She noticed how Oreo kept silent the deeper they went into the jungle, not a single grunt or peep could be heard from her.

"You know what she is doing at all?" Leo said more silently. All what could be heard were the hooting sounds of large jungle birds and frogs.

"She's being aware of her surroundings... something we should be doing," She said silently.

"I mean if we slow down and be aware we'd probably lose sight of Oreo," he said with slight concern.

Bridget points to Oreo who stopped here and there to listen to noises and look in a specific direction; around a corner, in the distance, ahead of them, "Then just look where she's looking," she states.

"Alright then," Leo always kept his hands near his pistols in case anything came out of no where.

And they did just that along the way as Oreo led them further and further into the jungle with the trees giving way more and more space to each other. Something large could pass through here easily... and something had.

That is until Oreo stopped at a small pathwayed clearing and looked down. She sniffed the jungle mud and then looked behind her at her two human parents.

"What?" Bridget piped up curious at what she's looking at. She looked over and saw a trail of medium sized three toed footprints deep in the mud leading straight to their left, "no way..." she went over with her camera and took a quick photo, "almost looks like a giant cassowary trail."

"What is it?" Leo asked looking at the tracks.

Bridget pointed, "those are apex tracks. Something huge came through here recently," she looked behind her in hopes to not have anything big charge at then and swallow em whole.

"How big we talkin?" he's about to unholster his pistols and get ready for a fight.

Oreo heard tree branches cracking above them and looked up quickly and so did Bridget and Leo when they heard it.

"HEY YOU GUYYYSSSS!!" Yelled a man hanging on a tree branch quite a few meters above them. Leo got startled that he accidentally aimed both his pistols at him.

"How did you get up there!?" Bridget asked almost laughing.

"Name's Drax!" Said the guy as he then falls from the trees and lands on his feet between Leo and Bridget. This startled Oreo causing her to chirp then bolt and hide into the bush not far off, "and long story short," he grinned, "I just saw a T-Rex."

By habit, Leo still has his guns pointed at him since he doesn't know wether he's a friend or foe but so far he's leaning towards the friendly side.

"You mean it threw you up there?" Bridget asked confused.

"Oh no, I bolted up there myself, came charging at me with a crazy speed boost so I had to scamper my little booty up the tree," Drax was in the same mercenary outfit as Leo but he had even darker skin than him.

"Where you from?" Leo asked for he's never seen the guy before.

"Yeah man I'm one of the mercenaries on the ship," he took his rifle that was strapped to his back, "we're bros, man."

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