Chapter 6

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Bridget woke up before Leo for once and escaped out of bed carefully. She didn't want to wake him up for she was too eager to go out there and check things out. She got dressed, grabbed a camera, notebook and her laptop and got out the door as quiet and quickly as she could.

Stepping outside in that humid tropical air was something new. She almost couldn't handle how warm it was though it was an interesting experience. She grabbed a water bottle from a cooler not too far from the entrance outside to keep her hydrated and put it in her bag.

The sun has barely rose though it was making its mighty presence known by glowing over the horizon just barely. She walked onto the cool white sand of the beach on new land. It was and amazing feeling beneath her shoes. Like snow except more compacted and softer than the gravel roads she drove on. She wandered about, walking along the beach taking photos of plant life and maybe a bug that skittered by.

Leo wakes up not long after she got up and out and is amazed to see that Bridget wasn't in bed or even in the room as he looked around. He got up slowly and stretched before putting some clothes and gear. Leo went outside barefooted since he wanted to walk on and enjoy the sand. He looked out into the horizon and takes a deep breath. It's a perfect day and he wants to just lay in the sand and relax. As he looks out to the beach he sees Bridget doing her thing and proceeds to walk toward her.

Bridget already found a conch shell on the beach she was studying. After she took pictures and drew a quick sketch she picked it up and examined it on the inside. Reminds her of a book she read in school, a very very old book indeed about kids being stranded on an island like this. She turned her head and noticed Leo's figure walking toward her. She got surprised and gasped then realized it was just him and not some prowling animal.

She laughed, "you scared me." She put the conch shell down and stood up straight, dusting her pants off.

"It wasn't my intention to do so. I just wanted to say hello and to know what sand felt like," he plays with the sand with his feet, "and I'm liking it."

Bridget smiles at him, "I'm too scared to put my foot down upon it. No idea what's beneath the dirt." She trotted off to the edge of the jungle and took a look at the leaves. The sun was still rising and her eyes caught onto a pretty pink flower that grew on a palm plant.

Leo laid down in the sand with headphones in his ears relaxing in the morning sunrise. To Bridget's surprise, she heard the bushes move just beneath the plant she was admiring and out popped a small bipedal bird-like reptile. It fell onto the sand in a panic and made a rather adorable panicked chirping noise.

"WHOA!" This caused Bridget to throw herself backwards onto the ground in the state of shock. She wasn't expecting something to jumpscare her like that.

Leo was to busy laying and playing in the sand while listening to music, completely oblivious to Bridget's little distress calls. The little dinosaur kept trying to jump onto Bridget like she was its mom. Bridget kept yelling as she kept flopping around with it in the sand screaming.

Leo was still playing with the sand like a child, rolling in it and throwing it in the air which he soon found to be a bad idea. His music was too loud in order for him to hear Bridget's constant yelling.

She eventually shoved the thing off of her and it bounced onto Leo's belly before he even got a chance to sit up. It looked up and stared down at Leo. Bridget was in the back trying to catch her breath. Leo just looks at the thing that was on his belly and was frozen there on the sand.

The dinosaur hops off and looked around it then acts skittish towards Bridget and Leo's presence. Bridget, now curious, walks over to it. Still in shock and a bit out of breath. She puts two hands on her knees, "that, is an Orodromeus," she points at it, "herbivore. Common prey item to smaller carnivore's." She remembers the faze she went in a long time ago, she was obsessed with prehistory and still kinda is.

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