Chapter 9

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A while later, they eventually reached the jungle they were chased out of, even passing the tree that Leo knocked over. Drax made sure to go slow in case that beast was still around, "don't know about you, but when I think about that T-Rex I couldn't help but picture a human leg just sticking out of its mouth.."

"It's because it did," the Lieutenant finally woke up.

"How are you feeling?" Bridget asked.

"A bit better than I was... thank you," he said as he took his hat off and rubbed his head.

"What do you mean it did?" Leo asked.

"I mean that Salvador Rex is being a bully and killed off a good portion of our men. I've heard warnings of him from the dragons themselves. They told me that if I encounter a red rex bigger than life I should just pay my respects and run."

"Salvador? He has an actual name?" Bridget said.

Drax got a bit shaky, "I don't like this story..."

"It ain't a story it's the truth. It's what the dragons called him or maybe what he calls himself... we see him, we run. He doesn't take kindly to people so I've heard."

"Welp... we're screwed cuz I shot its face," Leo admitted.

The Lieutenant got wide eyed, "you did what!?" He then sighed, threw his head back and rubbed his eyes, "I should've warned you all about this sooner. I thought it was just going to be a pick up and go but nope!"

"Expect the unexpected sir. We were trained for that. And yes, I shot the thing in the face," Leo said rather accomplished with his deed.

"Good luck getting it down. Your Sabot Rounds won't do any good to it. Salvador is a Tyrannosaurus with the hybrid blood of a dragon. He can talk and understand us but he prefers not to speak to us, so can almost anything here. I knew what we were going up against on this continent but I just preferred not to bother with it."

"We can't escape what this land throws at us, sir. This place is flourishing with life," Bridget says, 'what else do we not know about on this island?' She thought.

"Well then....." Leo was scoping out the area for anything big, "what can we use against it?"

"If you have a dragon on you that'd be great. But otherwise, our only hope is to escape," The Lieutenant seemed hopeless at this point so he leaned back and closed his eyes, "you know I'd usually be yelling at you guys for taking the car but I'm actually glad you did."

Drax smiled uneasy, "heh... yeah sure, Lieutenant. No problem."

Leo comes to a realization "you think that dragon-dino thing might have stumbled upon our camp and destroyed it?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if it did," Godfrey said.

"Yeah it did..." Drax came to the opening they came out of. It was broken apart and much larger than the path they made with the car with huge Rex tracks following in and out of it, "Salvador has definitely been here."

Leo is not finding this trip fun, "we are gonna have so many issues. He probably destroyed our ammo supply as well."

Drax drove through the opening and appeared through there. The concrete buildings are still up but barely. Somehow it managed to break open a hole through it and trash the place completely. The remaining survivors were nowhere to be found even, the floor even riddled with their blood as well as bullet shells scattered everywhere.

The Lieutenant only took a peek at the carnage before he sighed in frustration, "we should see if there's supplies here then leave to find the survivors."

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