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This page is specifically here to explain Basileia. The world the main characters Bridget and Leonidas live on.

This is Earth after the dragons take over. They called it Basileia which means "Realm" in their language which is much cooler to them than Earth which means "Dirt".

A lot of the creatures go after what humans first named their pieces of history like the Sputnik Clan named after the first satellite in Russia.

Humans still exist but they are less superior compared to the dragons which became highly intelligent and more advanced/alien like than the humans could muster all because of one failed experiment, Dracul Azeroth. He, as well as many others, were people once. But scientists found out how to make animal hybrids out of their new technology. Once they mixed animal DNA in with a human brain, the person's body transforms into a dragon or other monsters the scientists went for. Dracul Azaroth created Dracul Isle using bits and pieces of different countries after he reigned Supreme. He was a terra former and used the power of the World Tree in Asia to shift the earth into something new. This caused earthquakes, tsunamis, and other massive natural disasters to occur, whipping out a good portion of the population so he can start a new. The land he created is considered the biggest land on the planet in this time.

After Dracul Azaroth has been defeated, the god of the Space Realm (Unirac) chose new rulers to rule specific elements and lands of each part of the world/continent. They are all dragons or some sort of hybrid.

Rulers of Dracul Isle:

Vincent: Emperor of the seas
(Kingdom Asomald)

Alumnus: King of the mountains/earth
(Kingdom Elowen)

Orchard: King of nature
(Kingdom Argradien)

Crystal: Queen of Ice
(Kingdom Azetal)

Angus: King of Death
(Many rulers have fallen before him; Kingdom Zalired)

Daichi: Lord of Space and Time
(Kingdom Unirac)

Flame: King of Fire
(Kingdom Kedelian)

Arvecros: Pharaoh of Venom
(Kingdom Miasa)

Whirlwind: King of The Wind and Skies
(Kingdom Ethapearus)

Eldris: Broodmother of Aliens
(Kingdom Turava)

Rulers of Land of Tyrants:

Salvador Rex: King of the Volcano
(Tyrannosaurus Rex/Dragon hybrid: rules all of Titania mostly)

Bastion: Dictator of the Prehistoric Seas
(Megalodon/leviathan hybrid)

He built other continents like Halzalga, Titania, and Vexland to house creatures unworthy to live in his land mass of a territory. Years later, after Azaroth died by attempting to take over the seas, dragons used their magic to play with ancient extinct creatures. They gave them an island called Titania to land upon. The dinosaurs they've resurrected are accurately the same as how they were millions of years earlier.

Vexland or "Vex" for short, is a military island full of human structures and factories to hold humans and other animals that were held captive out there. It's often very cold out there. Azeroth kept humans away from his land at the time until later on when he was killed and the Kings came in to take over, there are humans found everywhere at that point mostly hidden on one specific city. But military forces and bad factories like Hybrid Makers are not allowed on Dracul Isle. Making use of their weapons is against the laws on Dracul Isle for it is considered a sign of revolution. Even though the humans were sneaky enough to put a factory underground underneath the continent and create "Hie.Corp" able to capture higher species to create newer and better hybrids to take out the Kings and take back the land to the humans.

Hie. Corp is responsible for making hybrid dinosaurs of their own. Which caused a good portion of Titania's dinosaurs to look "less accurate" and maybe smarter than the rest of the animals there.

Halzalga is the land that Hie.Corp and other corporations use to contain monsters and other failed experiments they couldn't contain and destroy. Deaths always happen when attempting to transport them too and fro the islands either by ship or plane. And going to that island without military service is strictly off limits for the dangers that lurk on that island is wild and untamed and will eventually kill someone unarmed and vulnerable. King Alumnus always sees ships transporting these things to that island. He has no problem with it for he states that "A human's extreme curiosity will cause their species' failure. Even if they do breed like rabbits." And King Vincent likes to make it harder for them when they travel by ship for he likes to make a stormy area on the way there so his Reaper Leviathans can total the ship.

Everything shall be explained within the stories I write, including this one.

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