Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

3rd person POV

   Bellatrix held Estella in her arms, Estella's gorgeous black hair askew on the top of her small head and beautiful green eyes staring up at her in curiosity. She was wearing a little purple onesie and baby hat. Tom was sitting next to Bellatrixs bed staring at her in complete adoration, her tiny hand in his. Bellatrix kissed her forehead, Estella gave her mum a little smile,

" she is gorgeous Bella "    Tom whispered in her ear with a little kiss.

" well, she is our daughter " Bella giggled.

Tom chuckled, and kissed her lips, when they finished Bella leaned her head on his shoulder.
" I hope we stay like this forever"  She mumbled


Little did they know their little family wouldn't last very long,
On that fateful night when Voldemort was defeated by a baby because of a mothers love, and Bellatrix went to torture the Longbottoms but was captured by aurors and sent to Azskaban for life, along with most of the other death eaters. Was also the night that Estella was taken by Hagrid and sent to live with the muggle family known as the Grangers. To live as their child, Jean and Terrance Granger ( don't know his actual name😂) were accepting of Estella if that is what you would call it, they acted like her parents but other than that completely ignored her. So that is how Estella lived, as Hermione Jean Granger, until the day she got her hogwarts letter of course.

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