chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The trio arrived at Hogwarts some hours later, greeted by none other than Hagrid.

"Good day Mione, 'Arry, Ron. How 'ave you lot been?" Hagrid asked

" we have been well Hagrid... Well just about as well as one could be with Voldemort on the loose." Harry exclaimed walking away, Ron Trailing behind like an obedient dog. Hermione rolled her eyes thinking ' how am I friends with those dunderheads' all the while shaking her head and following behind them.

---------------- at Hogwarts ----------------

As they sneaked into the great hall ( because they were late and Hermione was flipping her sh*t ) they spotted professor Dumbledore start his yearly speech.

" ..Remember children do not go into the forbidden forest unless you wish to die a painful death..." He droned on.

They found their seats Ron next to lavender, Harry next to Ginny and Hermione next to Neville.

"Hello Neville how are you today?" Hermione asked with fake cheerfulness

"Quite fine, did you happen to see the quidditch match over the summer..." Neville kept talking going over every detail about the fascinating quidditch game.

'What is wrong with me' Hermione thought 'I usually am not this annoyed, hmm must have been something I ate'


Screams erupted from around the great hall, people running around looking for an exit as smoke appeared out of nowhere,

"What the fu-"

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