Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Bellatrix had taken Hermione up the stairs, and into her bedroom. Azariah following behind her mother silently yet curiously.

Hermione was placed on the bed. Azariah plopped herself down beside her then scrambling towards the girl, leaning over her face.

'Mommy, when will she wake up?' She asked

'Not sure sweetheart, soon I hope. I ought to go and gather your father, get him to come up here' Bellatrix answered

'I'll go get daddy, I'll go get daddy!' She hollered, jumping from her spot and rushing out of the room, disappearing from view.

'Why I oughta...' Bellatrix mumbled to herself

Sitting down on the chair near Hermione's' bedside, taking the younger girls hand in her own.

'I know you don't trust me, and I know you don't know me, and you think I'm crazy having been locked up in azkaban for years. But let me tell you one thing, I l-' Bellatrix was rudley interrupted by her small daughter and the sound of a vase breaking, and the voice of her husband.

'I m-m sorry Muma, I b-broke grandmas vase' Azariah conceded, she looked like she was about to break out in to tears at this fact.

'Azariah sweet come here,' she beckoned with her hand, reaching it out to the small girl.

'Don't worry about it sweetness, I never liked that base or your grandma... don't tell her I said that' Bellatrix joked.

'Why don't you like grandma?'

'Because your grandma wished I was a boy, along with your grandpa, so that I could carry on the Black family name'

'Oh, I don't like grandma either, she's kinda mean' Azariah whispered into her moms ear, hand covering her mouth. She then proceeded to climb up into her mothers lap and lean against her chest yawning tiredly.

Tom walked into the room not twenty minutes later, (his talk with Severus had gone very well) to see his wife and daughter curled up fast asleep on the dark green couch, a small blue blanket wrapped around them.

Strolling towards them he fixed the blanket so that it was covering them, gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and his daughter one on the forehead.

Hearing a rustling noise behind him and turned to see Hermione slowly waking up. Brushing the sleep from her eyes, but after realizing where she was she freaked, jumping from the bed making a mad dash for the door, only to be stopped by magic.

'No no no, put me down!' She pleaded

'Hermione dear, calm down I'm here to answer all of your questions, it's ok' Tom shushed the girl, slowly lowering her back onto the bed into criss cross applesauce.

'Would you like to have answers?' He questioned, eyebrow raising in her direction.

'Yes please' she replied in an almost incoherent mumble.

'Alright' he began, clapping his hands together lightly.

'What is your first question'

'Who are you people... I mean really?' She stammered

'We are the Riddle family, their is I lord Voldemort, also known as Tom Riddle, my wife Bellatrix Riddle, and our youngest daughter Azariah Hela Riddle' He stated.

Hermione looked confused,

'Youngest?' She inquired.

'Yes, we had another daughter. But she was ripped away from us by that prick Dumbledore and his army.' Tom spat venomously.

'What is your daughters name?'

'Her name is...

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