Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Severus POV

I sat in my room, reading a book about advanced potions, a glass of fire whiskey in my hand, the ice clinking against the side of the glass as I swirled it around.

I lifted my head up taking in the sight of the room, books strewn everywhere, on my desk the floor, the coffee table, my papers and quills lying across my desk halfheartedly, as I had tried to mark the papers of my potions classes but gave up half way through.

Sighing, I picked up my wand from the coffee table to my right that hosted the lamp that let me read. Flicking it, I sent all of my belongings back to their original places. Pushing myself up off the armchair I set my now empty glass down, placing my book back on my now organized shelf, I stretched my achy muscles and cracked my knuckles. Looking at the clock the hung on the wall in the far corner, I realized I'd been sitting there for the last hour having lost track of time.

Looking away from the clock, I made my way into my bedroom, about to change into my night clothes I felt a sharp stabbing of pain in my chest. Falling back from surprise and pain I landed on the soft comforter of my bed. Placing a hand on my chest I tried to think of a reason for the pain, I'm not that old am I? I thought, I'm barely even 33 yet.

Suddenly it hit me, Hermione!

I rushed out of my bedroom heading for the door, I yanked it open stepping out into the hallway turning to the bedroom beside Bellatrix and Toms, rushing forward i saw Hermione curled into the fetal position, scooping her up I turned towards Tom nodding, I then rushed out of the room towards mine. Kicking open the door with my foot I raced to my bedroom I placed her on my bed, about to walk away I felt a hand grab the back of my coat, whipping around I looked at Hermione her eyes looking up at me pleadingly.

'Don't go!' She whispered urgently, before curling back up again.

I contemplated it before reaching down and lifting her up, I climbed in myself and lied her against my chest, leaning against the pillows I pulled the comforter around us.

Hermione circled her arms around my back, an ggling into my chest, legs entangling with my. I slowly took my hand from where it was placed on her back over top of the blanket, up to her head and stroked her hair, brushing to the side to get a better look at her face. She looked to not be in as much pain as before. With this knowledge I leaned my head back closing my eyes drifting into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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