chapter 2

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-how i imagine she will look-

Chapter 2

It was Hermiones sixth year at hogwarts, and everyone was getting ready to get on to the hogwarts train. Wizard family's were everywhere, running about and waving goodbye to their children. Hermione just stared on in wonder, she would never be used to this. Hermione spotted the Weasley clan through the crowd their fiery red hair stuck out in the crowd. She carefully made her way over to them so as not to be hit by the ongoing wizard traffic. When she reached the Weaslys she gave Molly and Ginny a big hug.

'Hermione dear, how was your summer break?' Mrs. Weasly asked.

'It was good, thank you Mrs. Weasly.' Hermione answered.

'Please dear call me Molly' Molly told her with a grin

'Alright,' Hermione replied

Hermione and the Weaslys spotted Harry in the crowd and waved him over.

'Hello Harry dear,' Molly said

'Good morning Mrs Weasly' Harry answered

Harry, Ron and Hermione got on to the train and found their compartment,

The trio put away their luggage and sat down.

'Well if it isn't the golden trio' someone sneered

The group looked up and spotted Draco Malfoy.

'Wha da ya want, ferret' Ron hissed

'Oh nothing I was just passing by and saw you pathetic losers, Well I must be leaving can't be seen talking to the likes of you three. Good day Potty, Weasel and Granger.' Malfoy sniffed

Draco left the trio alone to talk amongst themselves.

'What a prat!' Ron yelled

'Yeah he sure is something alright' Harry said

And they talked all the way to hogwarts.

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