Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~Snapes POV~

Snape caught Hermione as she fell, feeling a rush of tingles up his arms.

This surprised him so much he almost dropped her onto the cold ground. Placing her back into her chair, making sure she was comfortable, he made his way over to the dark lord. His robes billowing out behind him in a very Snape like fashion.

'My lord' Severus bowed,

Raising his chin in a very regal like fashion, Voldemort got the message and gestured for the man to follow him into the next room. Both men left, their capes billowing behind them. Ushering him into the room, Voldemort turned to Severus he knew what he was going to say.

'My lord...' Severus started, but was interrupted.

'There was a prophecy, long ago a while before Hermione was born. That stated that a wizard and his soulmate would save the world from a horrible evil, saving it from complete and utter chaos' Voldemort told him

'What does that have to do with me?' He questioned, his dark eyebrows raising in confusion.

'You Severus are Hermione's soulmate...

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