chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Hermione turned, the end of her sentence caught in her throat, heart skipping a beat at what she saw. For there stood Voldemort and his loyal followers, Bellatrix Riddle, who clutched onto his arm tightly, and Lucius Malfoy who stood off to the side awkwardly.They all had wicked grins on their faces. She turned to look at Harry, who had a look of complete shock on his face.

Voldemort scanned the room, he seemed to be looking for something, or someone for that matter. He abruptly turned to Headmaster Dumbledore.

'Where is she Albus' he hissed staring the older man down, jaw clenched an angry expression on his face.

'Whatever do you mean?' Albus Dumbledore replied innocently.

Tom Riddle glared at the Headmaster, if looks could kill he would be six feet under right about now.

Everyone in the great hall stood there holding their breath, hoping that Voldemort wouldn't kill the headmaster, well at least some people.

Bellatrix seemed to have spotted the thing they were looking for, whispering in her husbands ear. Tom turned in the direction of Hermione and her fellow friends.

Tom let out a breath he didn't know he was even holding. Walking towards the friend group, he stopped I front of Hermione, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Hermione stared at the man thinking it was the end, she closed her eyes and all she felt was a hand resting on her cheek,the feeling of apparition, and the screams of her friends.


When she opened her eyes all she saw was a black haired man with high cheekbones and green eyes standing next to Bellatrix. Scrambling backwards on her hands she hit the wall. Cowering into her self she prepared for a curse.

'Hermione, dear we are not going to hurt you' came a soothing whisper, which she thought came from Bellatrix.

'How do I know that?' She questioned, lifting her head up slightly to see the worried faces of two adults, which confused her greatly.

'Because... Well... Tom? Should we tell her tonight?' Bellatrix asked her husband.

' I don't think now is the proper time to do so, we ought to get her a place to sleep, she's had a long day' Tom answered his wife.

So the man was Tom Riddle, Hermione thought. Odd he looks different.

'Come dear, I'll take you to the room you'll be staying in for your visit' Bellatrix beckoned.

Hermione followed the woman hesitantly, is this really Bellatrix Lestrange? The hater of all mudbloods? She thought to herself.

Walking up the stairs she followed the strange woman into a bedroom.

'Goodnight Hermione' was the last thing she heard that night.

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