Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Hermione awoke in the middle of the night to a dry throat, looking around the dark bedroom in a panic forgetting were she was momentarily. After realizing she was still at the house Voldemort had brought her she snuck quietly down the circular staircase and the end of the dark dreary hallway. Making her way down the staircase she saw a light from what seemed to be a kitchen, in the far corner of the foyer. Creeping towards the door at the end of the hall, Hermione poked her head around the corner of the slightly ajar door. Accidentally hitting the door in her attempt to be quiet she backed up quickly hoping no one was in there to hear her.

'Tom? Is that you?' Was heard from the other side of the door

Hermione hid in a corner afraid for her life. Bellatrixs head rounded the corner of the door, spotting Hermione hidden away. Sighing, Bellatrix walked towards the frightened child. Crouching down in front of her stroking her knee lightly.

'Sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you' Bellatrix stated to the girl.

Hermione looked up, confusion clearly written across her face.

'Who are you?... I mean to me?'

'Well, Hermione I'm... Well your mother'

Hermione sat there shocked at the statement this woman who claimed to be her mother said.

Hermione laughed at first it was a small giggle, but it slowly turned into a large boisterous laugh. Bellatrix looked hurt, her face looked like it was in a lot of agony.

'That's funny! Is this some kind of sick torture?... Because that's a good one!' Hermione said still laughing

' my parents are Jean and John Granger, so I don't know who your trying to fool because it's not working,'

Bellatrix had a look of disgust written on her face.

'Those good for nothing f*ckers aren't your parents! They helped Dumbledore take you away after we were put in Azskaban' she hissed.

Hermione stumbled back, slightly afraid of the woman in front of her.Bellatrix turned back to her 'daughter'.

'Come, it's time for you to get back to bed. We will talk about this in the morning' she stated in a matter of fact tone, softly ushering Hermione back up the stairs

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